Alba Adriatica: "Black work", the Carabinieri suspend the activity of a hotel

Following the inspection, various irregularities emerged both from a health, labor law and worker protection point of view in the workplace.

Alba Adriatica: "Black work", the Carabinieri suspend the activity of a hotel.

The Carabinieri of the Alba Adriatica Station supported by the specialized departments of the Carabinieri (NIL of Teramo and NAS of Pescara), inspected a hotel on the Adriatic coast in the municipality of Alba Adriatica.
Following the inspection, various irregularities emerged both from a health, labor law and worker protection point of view in the workplace.

In particular, it was ascertained that: the accommodation facility had structural hygiene deficiencies; the required self-control procedures were not ensured; the workers were not provided with personal protective equipment and they were not subjected to health surveillance nor had they participated in courses on safety in the workplace.

Furthermore, out of 6 workers, 4 were not regularly employed, in particular one of the four non-EU citizens could not be employed in any case because he was not employed in Italy for subordinate work. Following this violation, the activity was suspended.
During the checks, fines worth a total of approximately 22.000 euros were imposed.
The owner of the facility, following the violations, was reported to the Judicial Authority and to the administrative and health authorities competent for the violated matters.

Alba Adriatica: “Lavoro nero”, i Carabinieri sospendono l’attività di un albergo.

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