
Teramo, celebrations and memory of the figure of the Carabinieri Captain Ettore Bianco, commander in chief of the battle of Bosco Martese

A silver and a bronze medal for military valor

Teramo, celebrations and memory of the figure of the Carabinieri Captain Ettore Bianco, commander in chief of the battle of Bosco Martese.

The National Association of Partisans of Italy (ANPI) of the province of Teramo, on the 80th anniversary of the Italian Resistance, organizes with the patronage of: Municipality of Teramo, Province of Teramo, University of Teramo, on the morning of next Friday 12 April , in the Aula Magna of UniTe the celebrations and remembrance of the figure of the Carabinieri Captain Ettore Bianco, commander in chief of the Battle of Bosco Martese, known as the first open field clash between partisan forces and Nazi-fascists, which occurred on 25 September 1943.

There will be present managers of the national ANPI, the mayors of Corigliano D'Otranto (LE) and Bologna, municipalities of birth and death of Ettore Bianco, highest civil and military authorities of Teramo and the province, fighting associations, delegations of university students and all the high schools of the city and provincial schools.

Captain of the Carabinieri Ettore BIANCO

Born in Corigliano d'Otranto (LE) on 30 January 1917, fighting partisan, died in Bologna on 31 June 1962, decorated with a Gold Medal and Bronze Medal for Military Valour.

Silver Medal for Military Valor

Motivation: «Commander of the Carabinieri Company of Teramo at the time of the armistice, he faithfully, decisively and with prompt initiative gathered forces to counter the German invasion. In the locality of Bosco Martese he gathered soldiers in service, citizen volunteers and a few dozen former Allied prisoners, organizing a complex of 1.500 men with numerous vehicles and a battery. Attacked on 25 September by a German battalion, he drove the enemy to flight, inflicting serious losses and taking the commander prisoner. In the following days, he repelled new attacks by ever-increasing forces equipped with numerous artillery. Convinced that he could no longer resist in pitched battle, he changed the formation into guerrilla groups, destroyed non-transportable materials, broke contact with the enemy and sowed the seed of the long and valiant partisan struggle subsequently fought in the area.

Martese Forest (Teramo), 25 – 26 and 27 September 1943».

Bronze Medal for Military Valor

Reason: «Captain of the Carabinieri, who had already distinguished himself at the time of the armistice for his prompt, patriotic and courageous initiative, after the occupation of the area by the Germans, he animated and led the armed resistance of partisan formations fighting for 10 months in conditions made particularly difficult by the climate and by massive raids conducted by the enemy. He caused damage to war materials, inflicted significant losses, effectively undermined transit on the Via Salaria. In every circumstance he gave repeated and beautiful proof of ability and courage.

Teramo and Ascoli Piceno area, 29 September 1943 – 13 July"

Teramo, celebrazioni e ricordo della figura del Capitano dei carabinieri Ettore Bianco, comandante in capo della battaglia di Bosco Martese.

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