Taranto, two arrests and two reports by the State Police. A large quantity of illegal artifices seized

The State Police has cracked down on the illegal sale of fireworks and explosive material, which in this particular period of the year has seen a notable increase

Taranto, two arrests and two reports by the State Police. A large quantity of illegal artifices seized

The State Police has cracked down on the illegal sale of fireworks and explosive materials, which in this particular period of the year has seen a notable increase.
In four separate operations in different neighborhoods of the city, the police officers of the Flying Squad, the Borgo Police Station and the Flying Squad, thanks to the fundamental support of the Taranto Bomb Squad, they seized a large quantity of so-called "New Year's Eve fireworks", with two arrests and two reports for the crimes of possession and illegal trade of explosive material.

Taranto, due arresti e due denunce della Polizia di Stato. Sequestrato un ingente quantitativo di artifizi illegali

The Hawks of the Flying Squad in the Tamburi District, at the end of a very rapid information-investigative activity, they proceeded to carry out a house search of a 50-year-old criminal from Taranto, recovering in the living room, piled up in a highly dangerous way, approximately 100 firecrackers called “NEW RAMBO” for a total weight of more than 3 kg and 12 batteries of 100 rounds each.
During the first analysis by the bomb disposal experts, the obvious falsification of the labels affixed to the individual firecrackers emerged, which were later found to be of medium/high danger.

The documents were forwarded to the competent Judicial Authority and the 50-year-old was arrested.
The same staff, a few hours later, managed to discover yet another illicit trade in fireworks which, in this case, would have been organised with orders arriving through one of the most used instant messaging apps. A thirty-year-old resident of Statte was found in possession of a dozen explosive batteries for a total gross weight of just over a kilo. The young man was reported at liberty.

A very young man in his early twenties was caught by the staff of the Borgo Police Station in his apartment located in the very central Via Minniti in possession of a large quantity of explosive material including 16 paper bombs and around eighty home-made firecrackers without labels for a total gross weight of around 16 kilos in addition to numerous small pyrotechnic firecrackers.At the end of the operation the twenty-year-old was arrested.
Finally, in a large warehouse located in the Tamburi district, the Flying Squad seized a large quantity of “New Year’s Eve firecrackers”.

As ascertained, all the explosive material belonging to the “F2 Group C” category would have been put on display and for sale without the necessary authorizations.
The store manager, a 31-year-old woman of Chinese origin legally resident in the area, was reported at large.

Overall, in recent weeks, the intense enforcement activity of the State Police has led to the seizure of more than 7 quintals of illegally held explosive material and the arrest of 4 people and four reports at large.

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