Taranto: he hid firecrackers in a coffin, 27-year-old arrested by the State Police.

The Hawks of the Flying Squad seize 20 kg of unlabeled artisanal barrels, hidden in a funeral home in Taranto.

Taranto: he hid firecrackers in a coffin, 27-year-old arrested by the State Police.

I Flying Squad Falcons they noticed in Via Oberdan a young man who was setting up a small stall for selling fireworks, positioned near afuneral agency. The officers suspected that the banquet could only be a “bait and switch” to attract customers interested not only in purchasing harmless "firecrackers", but above all in the artisanal ones probably kept elsewhere.

After observing the movements of the young man, who, after a first fleeting meeting with the alleged clients, entered the agency's offices and then left with much larger envelopes of those sold on the street stall, the Hawks have intervened.

The young man, a 27 year old Tarantino, was taken by surprise and tried in vain to get rid of what he had taken from inside the agency, throwing him under a car parked.

During the search of the offices of thefuneral agency, the police discovered inside a coffin a large quantity of homemade fireworks, without any labelling, for a total weight of approximately 20 kg.

After having transmitted the documents to theCompetent Judicial Authority, the subject was arrested and placed to the arrest.

All the explosive material was taken over by the personnel of the Bomb disposal unit for subsequent destruction.

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