Taranto, five illegal immigrants expelled from the national territory

During checks to prevent and repress the phenomenon of illegal immigration, the State Police expelled five immigrants, including a Gambian with various crimes against him such as possession of weapons and objects capable of offending, personal injury and resistance to a public official, also a Georgian citizen and three individuals from North African countries, all irregular.

Taranto, five illegal immigrants expelled from the national territory

The commitment of the State Police continues with careful and targeted controls aimed at preventing and repressing the phenomenon of illegal immigration.

As usual, attention of the Immigration Office staff was aimed at those areas where the presence of non-EU citizens is highest.

A series of investigations following the release from prison of a 30-year-old Gambian citizen revealed the presence of numerous criminal records against him, between such as carrying weapons and objects capable of offending, personal injury and resistance to a public official in addition toabsolute lack of documents justifying their presence on the national territory.

Therefore, at the end of the checks the 30-year-old was accompanied to the Bari Detention Center to await his subsequent return to his country of origin.

In During the past week, four more expulsion decrees were issued against a Georgian citizen and three subjects from North African countries.

All were found to be irregular on national territory e they were accompanied to the Permanence Center of the Apulian capital.

Al At the end of the checks, 38 non-EU citizens were identified, 15 of whom have police records on which investigations are still underway to establish their regularity on Italian territory.

Taranto, cinque extracomunitari irregolari espulsi dal territorio nazionale

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