Taranto: final report of the controls in the NAS “food safety” and “social-health and welfare structures” sectors during the Christmas and New Year holidays
The Carabinieri of the NAS of Taranto have intensified controls during the Christmas and New Year holidays, the result of which are numerous reports, sanctions and seizures of structures and food.
Taranto: final report of the controls in the “food safety” and “social-health and welfare structures” sectors of the NAS during the Christmas and New Year holidays.
The Carabinieri of the NAS of Taranto during the Christmas and New Year holidays, have intensified controls aimed at verifying the correct marketing and protection of consumer health of various food products, especially in the sectors of confectionery production, marketing and processing of fish products (pastries, commercial establishments, fish product warehouses, fishmongers, restaurants) as well as those aimed at protection of people from the so-called "vulnerable groups".
A total of 73 checks were carried out, of which 32 were non-compliant (over 40%) and 32 administrative violations were detected. 16 people were reported to the administrative authorities and fines were imposed for a total value of over €45.000. Finally, structures and food were seized for a total value of approximately €1.850.000.
In particular, in a catering business in Ostuni, the Carabinieri of the NAS during a joint inspection activity with personnel from the SIAN and SISP of the Prevention Department of the local ASL, have 150 kg of meat, fish and gastronomic preparations, without traceability, were officially blocked for subsequent destruction, while the Director of SIAN with a subsequent provision, has ordered the immediate closure of the restaurant business due to serious hygiene and health deficiencies.
In other businesses in the province of Brindisi, following checks carried out at some pastry shops and fishmongers, approximately 55 kg of fish products and 45 kg of confectionery products were seized due to lack of traceability. Following confirmed hygienic-sanitary and structural deficiencies, the SIAN of the ASL of Brindisi has ordered the immediate suspension of a business serving, preparing and selling gluten-free panettone and biscuits whose activity had been started in the absence of a health notice and with staff lacking specific training.
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