Taranto: 128 thousand euros were illegally received, 6 people reported

territorial checks, 128 thousand euros seized

Taranto: 128 thousand euros were illegally received, 6 people reported

In the last few weeks the Yellow Flames of the Taranto Group, the Manduria Company and the Castellaneta Tenancy have carried out specific checks aimed at verifying the regular receipt of the "Citizenship Income".

The investigations carried out by the Ionian Finance Police involved "targets" that were selected through specific risk analyses and the examination of the results of the databases used by the Corps, that is, that they emerged from targeted info-investigative activities carried out with the assistance of the Special Unit for Public Spending and Repression of Community Fraud of the Guardia di Finanza of Rome and in conjunction with the INPS.

At the end of the investigations, the Guardia di Finanza soldiers They reported 6 individuals to the Judicial Authority, who were found to have illegally received emoluments for over 128 thousand euros, and also requested a seizure order for these sums. The beneficiaries, in fact, they would have falsely certified in the appropriate applications the possession of the requirements set out in the sector legislation.

For the principle of "presumption of innocence" the responsibility of the persons under investigation will be definitively ascertained only where an irrevocable sentence of conviction occurs.

The service results achieved once again demonstrate the commitment of the Guardia di Finanza and the Taranto Public Prosecutor's Office in the action of protecting public spending, with particular regard to welfare and income support measures, the undue access to which generates inequity and undermines social cohesion.

Taranto: Percepirono illecitamente 128 mila euro, segnalate 6 persone

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