Grottaglie. Illegal garage discovered by the State Police: the owner reported and fined.

Inside the room, in addition to the equipment used as a mechanical workshop, the police were able to find the presence of numerous dangerous and non-hazardous waste.

Grottaglie. Illegal garage discovered by the State Police: the owner reported and fined.

The personnel of the Taranto Highway Police Section, as part of the periodic checks aimed at combating the illegal disposal of hazardous waste and the constant monitoring of the activities of car repair shops lacking the authorisations required by law, has collected useful clues to believe that a place located in the Municipality of Grottaglie is used as a completely illegal garage/body shop.
Inside the room, in addition to the equipment used as a mechanical workshop, the police officers had the opportunity to find the presence of numerous hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, some stored directly on the floor or in makeshift containers, while others - such as used oil - were contained in unsuitable plastic containers and without identifying labels..
Furthermore, the absolute lack of suitable devices to prevent and possibly convey spills of engine or other fluids into special containment tanks, so as not to constitute a danger for workers and the environment, in addition to the presence of batteries, was noted. exhausted ones scattered in several places in the room, stored directly on the floor, in contact with other types of waste, in the total absence of the precautions necessary to prevent any acid spills.
At the end of the check, the illegal garage, including the equipment and instruments used, were seized with seals placed at the entrance to the premises.
The owner of the illicit activity was reported in a state of freedom because he was allegedly responsible for the illegal exercise of car repair activities and the illicit management of special waste.
The administrative sanctions amount to approximately 5 thousand euros.

Grottaglie. Scoperta dalla Polizia di Stato autofficina abusiva: denunciato e sanzionato il titolare.

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