Syracuse: Carabinieri dismantle criminal organization dedicated to drug dealing in Solarino

It also emerged that the drug dealers exploited two different supply channels, one from Syracuse and the other from Catania.

Syracuse: Carabinieri dismantle criminal organization dedicated to drug dealing in Solarino

Yesterday morning the Carabinieri of the Syracuse Company have 10 people arrested, 7 men and 3 women, aged between 18 and 62, in execution of an order on request for precautionary measures issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Syracuse against 10 people, 7 men and 3 women aged between 18 and 62, held responsible, in various capacities, for possession for the purpose of dealing narcotic substances.

The investigation activity, conducted by the Carabinieri of the Operational Section of the Syracuse Company and coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office at the local Court, began in September last year after it had been in the municipality of Solarino A thriving drug dealing area has been identified.

Siracusa: Carabinieri smantellano organizzazione criminale dedita allo spaccio di droga a Solarino

The investigative activity, developed through technical interception activities, observation, control and shadowing services and various seizures of narcotic substances such as cocaine and crack, has allowed the drug dealing area to be dismantled after having reconstructed the phases of the retail sales activity, the operating methods and the places where the drugs were stored. In particular the logistics base was located in the apartment of one of the arrested, in Solarino, where the man lived with his wife and son and, right near the house, the transfers took place daily.

It also emerged that the drug dealers were exploiting two different supply channels, one from Syracuse and the other from Catania.

Siracusa: Carabinieri smantellano organizzazione criminale dedita allo spaccio di droga a Solarino

During the investigation, the following were identified and Several drug users reported to the Prefecture e two men were arrested in flagrante delicto, it was estimated that, on average, they were make approximately 60/70 sales per day for a profit more than a thousand euros per day.

Two men aged 50 and 31 and a 62 year old woman they were associated respectively with the “Cavadonna” prison in Syracuse and the “Piazza Lanza” prison in Catania, an 57 year old the measure of precautionary custody in prison at the Caltagirone prison where he was already being held for another reason was notified, a 31 year old and a 45 year old they were placed under house arrest with the electronic bracelet for the man, an 40 year old he was subjected to an obligation to remain in his home and to report to the Judicial Police, a 33 year old woman and a 43 year old man they were subjected to an obligation to remain at home and a 19-year-old was ordered to report to the Judicial Police.

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