
Siracusa: extraordinary service of control of the territory of the Carabinieri of Buccheri, the dog Riley finds the cocaine

A 23-year-old, identified inside a pub and already known to be a drug user, was found to have marijuana for personal use and had his driving license revoked.

Syracuse: extraordinary service of territorial control by the Carabinieri of Buccheri, the dog Riley finds the cocaine.

Carabinieri from the Buccheri Station, during a special territorial control service conducted with the assistance of the Carabinieri from the Nicolosi anti-drug dog unit, checked several premises in the area and contested administrative sanctions for violation of the Highway Code for a value exceeding 2000 euros.

A 23-year-old, identified inside a pub and already known to be a drug user, was found to have marijuana for personal use and had his driving license revoked.

The dog Riley, from the Carabinieri anti-drug canine unit, reported to his handler a 47-year-old man with no criminal record, who, subjected to a personal, vehicle and home search, was found in possession of 6 doses of cocaine, a few grams of marijuana and a switchblade. During the search, the man tried to get rid of the narcotic substance, but not even the darkness fooled Riley's nose and the Buccheri Carabinieri reported him for possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing and carrying objects capable of offending.

Siracusa: servizio straordinario di controllo del territorio dei Carabinieri di Buccheri, il cane Riley trova la cocaina.

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