Lentini: 43-year-old arrested by Carabinieri after 2 years of abusing and keeping his wife locked up in his house
The Carabinieri of the Lentini Station have 43 year old worker arrested for the crimes of mistreatment in the family, aggravated and continued personal injuries and kidnapping, committed against the 32 year old wife, from 2022 to today, in execution of a custodial remand order issued by the Court of Syracuse.
The investigative activities conducted by the Carabinieri of the Augusta Company and coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Syracuse, arose from the report of a citizen who I noticed a woman on the street, in a very confused and asthenic state, and called the 118.
From the first checks, the doctors at the Emergency Room of the Lentini Hospital understood that the woman was severely debilitated both physically and psychologically, probably a victim of domestic violence, and they promptly pink code activated and contacted the Carabinieri.
The 32-year-old, who reported on her body obvious signs and scars of physical violence, in shock, told the Carabinieri that he was the victim, for about two years, of physical and psychological abuse by the cohabiting husband, violence also committed in the presence of the couple's three minor children.
In particular, the woman described a real escalation of harassment and violence, her husband addressed her daily insults of all kinds, he had it progressively isolated by taking away her cell phone e, for about six months, he prevented her from leaving the house alone and have contact with the outside world, he tortured her, to punish her, even with the use of a knife with red-hot blade, as evidenced by the scars on his body and the discovery inside the house, during the Carabinieri inspection, of a knife with a tip blackened by fire.
The man had also managed to manipulate minor children by involving them in the mother's control.
Only taking advantage of the absence of the children who were at school, and the fact that the man had fallen into a deep sleep, the woman, with the strength of desperation, she managed to escape from the hovel where she lived and to ask for help first from passers-by and then from the Carabinieri who, through timely and punctual investigative activities, confirmed what the victim had declared, taking her into their care and accompanying her to a protected facility together with the three children who finally started with her on the path out of the spiral of violence and degradation in which they found themselves.
The three children, in fact, in addition to being victims of witnessed violence carried out by the father towards the mother, they were also forced to live in a house characterized by pitiful hygienic and sanitary conditions.
The man was taken to the “Cavadonna” prison in Syracuse.
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