Syracuse: Cocaine dealing, 19-year-old arrested
The Carabinieri of the Syracuse Radiomobile Section have arrested and taken to the “Cavadonna” prison in Syracuse, a 19-year-old with a criminal record for drug-related and property crimes, in execution of a suspension order of the precautionary measure issued by the Surveillance Office of the Court of Syracuse. The young man, who since April had been under house arrest because he was convicted of drug dealing, following a personal and home search, he had been found in possession of approximately 20 grams of cocaine, already divided into doses and ready for sale, hidden under her pillow in the bedroom.
In the circumstance he had been arrested and placed under house arrest again but, as a consequence of the continued violations of the prescriptions connected to the precautionary measure, detected and reported by the Carabinieri of Syracuse, the judicial authority ordered his transfer to a penal institution.
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