Vicenza, commitment against gender discrimination in sport: ethical charter signed
The Municipality, together with Soroptimist and Assist, promotes equal opportunities and protection of rights for athletes, breaking down stereotypes and prejudices in sports.
Vicenza, commitment against gender discrimination in sports: ethical charter signed.
The signing will take place on September 19, 2024 at Palazzo Trissino in the presence of the Soroptimist Club and Assist – National Association of Athletes
Breaking down stereotypes and prejudices, promoting everyone's right to practice the discipline they love most, without interruptions or separations due to gender discrimination, preventing exclusions, abuse and harassment in the sports field.
With these objectives, the Municipality of Vicenza, Soroptimist Club Vicenza and Assist (National Association of Athletes) signed today at Palazzo Trissino the Ethical Charter for overcoming gender gaps and discrimination in sports, which commits the administration to build projects to bring women closer to sports from a very young age, collaborating with sports clubs also to match the needs of their children's sports practice with those of their parents.
Olympic athletes Ottavia Cestonaro, Federica Del Buono and Alice Muraro participated in the signing of the document.
«In Vicenza – declared the sports councillor Leone Zilio – the data related to members and practitioners show a great difference in practice between men and women starting from adolescence, growing with the adulthood of women often forced to reconcile their interest in sport with work and family needs. Our administration has therefore enthusiastically welcomed the proposal of Soroptimist and Assist to sign this Ethical Charter. Our objective will be to guarantee the presence of spaces and structures for the practice of sport, encouraging their use by both genders and intervening if this does not happen».
The administration also undertakes to support federations, companies, associations, in actions to prevent harassment, violence and gender discrimination, also with information campaigns; to annually promote an event on sport with the presentation of proposals in the territory; and to monitor the presence of obstacles to the practice of sport by girls and young women.
«The signing of the “Ethical Charter for overcoming gender gaps and discrimination in sport” by the Vicenza municipal administration is a source of satisfaction for our Club which, together with Assist, promoted it – said Anna Miotti, president of Soroptimist Vicenza -. The Ethical Charter is part of the broader national project “WOMEN and SPORT” to which the Vicenza Club, which has always been committed to advancing the condition of women and equal opportunities, has joined with the aim of promoting the values of sports activity as an opportunity for integration, education and respect, as well as for psychophysical well-being, in a gender perspective. The Charter was born from the awareness that even in the world of sport, equality is not an achieved goal. Its main purpose is therefore the protection of the rights of athletes, but also equal opportunities for girls, young women and women, the use of inclusive language and the promotion of sports culture. We are grateful to the municipal administration and the sports councilor for their prompt adherence to this proposal and for the important commitment made to apply its principles to create a more inclusive community».
«I am satisfied and confident because the adoption of the Ethical Charter by some municipalities, and among these the Municipality of Vicenza, comes at the end of a process of awareness and concrete sharing of the objectives – added Angela Montemurro, regional coordinator of Assist aps -. Institutions must commit to ensuring that sports clubs believe in the values of the Ethical Charter, but also to fully apply those values. This means a real change of pace, not only to implement a democratic evolution of a community but above all to guarantee equal opportunities, safety, health and protection of rights for all girls and women who practice or wish to practice sports".
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