Carbonia: Award ceremony for the “Giampiero Pinna 2024” thesis


Carbonia: Award ceremony for the “Giampiero Pinna 2024” thesis

The event took place in the multipurpose hall of the Municipality of Carbonia award ceremony of the Giampiero Pinna 2024 degree thesis prize, in memory of the late creator of the Fondazione Cammino Minerario di Santa Barbara and founding father of the Parco Geominerario. As part of the initiative – in the presence of the Mayor Pietro Morittu, Councilor for Public Education Antonietta Melas and Councilor for Tourism Michele Stivaletta - outstanding students were awarded for their valuable works, all of which had in common the study of mining history, hiking tourism and mining architecture.

Carbonia: Cerimonia di consegna del premio tesi di laurea "Giampiero Pinna 2024"

During the ceremony the following doctors were awarded: Sara Autelitano (undergraduate degree), Luigi Sale (undergraduate degree), Rossella Todde (master's degree), Davide Chia (master's degree), Riccardo Simonetto (master's degree) and Elena De Fanti (master's degree). The best way to remember the figure of Giampiero Pinna, paying homage to the students for their studies and research, with the hope that these works can be for the boys the starting point of a career studded with new goals and new formative and value-based experiences.

Carbonia: Cerimonia di consegna del premio tesi di laurea "Giampiero Pinna 2024"

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