Sondrio: Regional Plan 'Mission Lombardy', investments for 30,1 million euros 

regional investments

Sondrio: Regional Plan 'Mission Lombardy', investments for 30,1 million euros 

'Mission Lombardy', the regional plan for housing policies, Has activated in the province of Sondrio investments for 30,1 million euros between interventions, in particular, for the urban regeneration (15,6 million), the care of the heritage (11,9 million), housing welfare (2,6 million) and the Speeding up assignments.

These are the data that emerged during the Valtellina stage of the institutional tour wanted by the regional councilor for Home and Social Housing, Paolo Franco, to take stock of the progress of the works and future prospects, also through dialogue with stakeholders. The event, which took place at the UTR in Sondrio, was also attended by the top management of Aler Bergamo-Lecco-Sondrio: the president Corrado Zambelli and the general manager Corrado Della Torre.

Councilor Franco: Pragmatism and Lombard Concreteness –"In Sondrio and province – highlighted Councillor Franco – they are over 30 million euros in the field to address all the needs of the territory with Lombard pragmatism. Resources invested to redevelop public housing, regenerate neighborhoods and recover vacant housing. Efforts aimed at improving the overall quality of living, also paying great attention to the social dimension: the Region in fact ensures concrete support to citizens in difficulty through the provision of contributions and services. 'Mission Lombardy' therefore means allocating significant funds but also monitoring the progress of the construction sites, working hard to overcome obstacles and achieve objectives. Furthermore, we actively collaborate with local authorities to support all the projects of the Lombardy System, in order to facilitate access to state and European funding”.

Sondrio, Maffei Street

The Valtellina day of theCouncillor Franco began with an inspection in via Maffei in Sondrio, where Aler is carrying out the'seismic requalification and energy efficiency intervention involving 107 dwellings (72 at numbers 43-53 and 35 at number 80) for an investment of 8,8 million euros deriving from the complementary fund to the PNRR. The works include the insulation of the perimeter walls and attics, the renovation of the roof, the replacement of the windows, the construction of the photovoltaic system, controlled mechanical ventilation and heat metering, interventions for seismic safety, the redevelopment of the external green areas and the paving of the pedestrian paths. The works are expected to be completed by March 2026.

“I followed the events of the construction site on Via Maffei – said Councilor Franco – resolutely urging the need to unblock the impasse and resolve the critical issues: now we need to proceed quickly and efficiently towards the redevelopment respecting the timing of the new timetable”.

Energy efficiency

In Tirano they were 463.648 euros invested for the Aler eco-efficiency intervention in via 1° maggio which includes the following works: redoing the roof covering, insulation, replacement of external fixtures, replacement of window and door shading systems, redevelopment of external areas, connection to district heating, construction of a new heating plant, heat metering system, installation of dynamic thermostatic valves. While 180.000 euros have been allocated for Aler interventions relating to the installation of photovoltaic panels in via Ligari in Morbegno and in via Maffei 43 in Sondrio. With regards to the Asbestos removal, Aler intervention on a 14-apartment building is reported in Prata Camportaccio (via Bertacchi), as part of a comprehensive redevelopment worth 1,6 million euros.

Recovery of vacant housing and faster assignments

In the province of Sondrio, Aler has recovered 29 vacant homes, 2 of which are barrier-free, with an allocation of 600.000 euros. Added to this is a intervention worth 238.000 euros in Sondrio for the refurbishment and assignment of 8 additional apartments. Assignments Chapter: alert in the province of Sondrio has assigned 78 apartments between 2023 (36) and 2024 (42, data updated to mid-December), achieving a 17% increase in allocations compared to the December 2023 figure.

"I have instructed the Aler to speed up the recovery operations of the vacant housing and speed up the assignment procedures – underlined the councilor Franco – in order to favor citizens who respect the rules and wait for their turn in the ranking. Lombardy Region is always on their side".

Sondrio: Piano regionale 'Missione Lombardia', investimenti per 30,1 milioni di euro 

Emergency maintenance service

Within the 'Lombardy Mission' the theme of 'Emergency Response' is central: Aler in the province of Sondrio carried out in 2024, in response to the reports received, 531 maintenance works for a cost of 400.000 euros. “I have strengthened the 'Emergency' service – continued Franco – to send a strong and clear signal regarding vandalism and to strengthen the relationship of trust with tenants: I have given instructions to the Aler so that the commitment from this point of view is constant".

Sondrio, Via Nani – Via Europa district (former Enel area)

The Lombardy Region has assigned to the Municipality of Sondrio a contribution of 15 million euros from PNRR funds for the urban regeneration of the Via Nani – Via Europa neighborhood (former Enel area), within the framework of PINQUA (National innovative program for the quality of living). The intervention financed by the Region foresees in particular the construction of 39 units to be used for social housing and 16 beds for temporary housing needs. The works are scheduled to be completed by March 2026.

Social Housing

Still with regards to social housing, Aler Sondrio's programmes include the provision of 25 additional accommodations (18 in Sondrio, 5 in Chiavenna, 2 in Tirano) for families with ISEE 10-16.000 euros. Of these, 2 have already been assigned and 3 will be soon. “Increase social housing – Franco underlined – It is strategic to help on the one hand families in the low-middle income bracket and on the other people who work in essential services: in both cases there is difficulty in finding a home on the private market. Region works to increase affordable housing solutions: this is fundamental for all territories, including mountain areas which, in order to function, must be supervised by those who provide services to the population".

“Social housing – Franco continued – It is also important in light of the Olympics, with the Aler that will be able to make housing available for the people who will work in the activities supporting the event".

Rent and utility contributions

As for the so-called 'housing welfare', two initiatives financed by the Lombardy Region are active: the 'solidarity contribution' for families who are unable to pay rent and utilities (over 264.000 euros for 2024 in the province of Sondrio) and the measure 'for rent' which allows the Areas and Municipalities to use regional resources for citizens with ISEE lower than 26.000 euros who are unable to pay rent on the free market: in the province of Sondrio, approximately 60.000 euros were allocated in 2024, entirely used.

“We are grateful to the Lombardy Region and to Councillor Paolo Franco - has explained Zambelli, president of Aler Bergamo, Lecco and Sondrio - for the decisive support that has strengthened Aler's ability to respond to Sondrio's housing needs. We have increased staff to improve services to tenants and are proceeding with the renovations as scheduled. As for the construction site in via Maffei, we have resolved a critical issue related to the delivery times imposed by the PNRR with an expression of interest, identifying new companies to complete the work by March 2026. This rapid and effective approach confirms Aler's commitment to ensuring concrete and timely solutions".

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