Monteriggioni: They pretend to be carabinieri to defraud two elderly people. Arrested by the police, warned by their neighbor
"Fake Carabiniere and Road Accident" Scam to the Detriment of an Elderly Couple: The Neighbor Hears the Phone Call from the Fake Marshal and Alerts the Real Carabinieri, Who Quickly Rush to the Spot
Monteriggioni: They pretend to be carabinieri to defraud two elderly people. Arrested by the police, warned by their neighbor
I Carabinieri of the Monteriggioni Station have arrested in flagrante delicto a person, in the afternoon of 15st January, to attempted aggravated fraud with the technique of “fake policeman and the road accident” against an elderly couple from Monteriggioni.
The modus operandi that was allegedly used by those arrested is now known and has been found in numerous cases reported in the past, both in the province of Siena and on the national territory: the victims are contacted by telephone by the phantom fake Carabinieri Marshal who informs them that their daughter has had an accident, that she has run over someone and that she will be arrested if a large "bail" is not paid.
I two elderly people, the man 87 and the woman 81, also 100% disabled, they learned the news with discomfort and panicked. They gathered all the valuables they had at home - cash and valuables - ready to be handed over to a collaborator of the false Marshal who would meet them at home.
To prevent victims from having contact with people other than the scammers, the scammers keep them constantly busy on the phone. under the pretext of fulfilling ritual formalities, thus giving the "collaborator" time to reach the victims' homes to take possession of the money and valuables.
Surprisingly, the telephone conversation of the two elderly people was overheard by the neighbor who, having attended one of the many conferences on the subject held by the Commander of the Carabinieri Station of Monteriggioni, deduced that his elderly neighbors were about to fall victim to a scam.
Without wasting time, he alerted the Operations Centre of the Carabinieri of Poggibonsi who immediately raised the alarm with the Carabinieri of the Monteriggioni Station.
The military contacted the elderly couple while the man was still on the phone with the fake Marshal. After giving precise instructions to the victims, they hid in the house and positioned themselves in the immediate vicinity of the residence.
After a few minutes he arrived by car accomplice of scammers who, after having declared himself "the Marshal's assistant”, he was welcomed into the house, the money and valuables were handed over to him and, as soon as he left the apartment, he found himself caught in the grip of the Carabinieri, led by the Station Commander, the real one, who proceeded to his arrest in flagrante delicto for the crime of attempted aggravated fraud and placed it at the disposal of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Siena.
Without a doubt the brilliant operation of the Carabinieri of Monteriggioni finds confirmation in the intense preventive campaign carried out by the Station Commander which, over time, has held at least ten conferences on the topic of scams against the elderly.
- The latest events took place on October 15th at the Circolo Anziani di Quercegrossa, on November 29th at the Circolo Arci di Castellina Scalo and on January 9th at the Oratorio di Belverde.
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