Monteriggioni: they try to carry out the usual scam of the fake lawyer and the fake marshal, but they are caught in the act by the Carabinieri and arrested

The Carabinieri of the Poggibonsi Company arrested two people in flagrante delicto on the afternoon of October 3, for attempted extortion aggravated by the technique of the “fake carabiniere and road accident” to the detriment of an elderly person from Monteriggioni.

Monteriggioni: they try to carry out the usual scam of the fake lawyer and the fake marshal, but they are caught in the act by the Carabinieri and arrested.

The Carabinieri of the Poggibonsi Company have arrested in flagrante delicto two people, on the afternoon of October 3, for attempted aggravated extortion with the technique of “fake policeman and the road accident” to the detriment of an elderly person from Monteriggioni.

The modus operandi that was allegedly used by those arrested is known and has already been found in the numerous cases reported in the past, both in the province of Siena and on the national territory: a fake lawyer contacts the victim, usually an elderly person, by telephone and informs that a relative has caused a serious accident, being under arrest at a Carabinieri barracks.

The scammer adds that in order to release the relative held in the barracks it is necessary to pay a large sum of money (several thousand euros) as a deposit. To ensure that the victim is completely isolated from the outside world, the scammer also asks the elderly person for his or her mobile number, on which he or she will be contacted by a “fake” marshal of the Carabinieri who are dealing with the case. After a few minutes the "fake" marshal contacts the victim on his mobile number, summarily explaining what happened and informing her of the imminent arrival at the home of a collaborator (a fake lawyer or policeman) to collect the sum required as a deposit (to be delivered in cash or jewellery).

According to the prosecution's hypothesis, this is the way in which the robbery was attempted in Monteriggioni on October 3rd: the elderly woman, designated as the victim, however managed to contact the Carabinieri Operations Centre, reporting that she had received a phone call from a Carabinieri marshal who informed her of the serious accident caused by her son, confined in a barracks of the Carabinieri, requiring €12.000 deposit.

At around 18.30 pm, when a girl, allegedly a collaborator of the son's defense lawyer, showed up at the elderly victim's house with the aim of collecting money and jewelry, he found the Carabinieri of the Monteriggioni Station at home, who stopped her in the act.

The same fate befell the alleged accomplice, a boy who was waiting on the street, on board a rental car, apparently ready to escape.

At the end of the service operation, both the boy, aged 18, and the girl, aged 23, both residents of Naples, were arrested for attempted aggravated extortion in competition and transferred respectively to the Siena and Sollicciano prisons, at the disposal of the Siena Public Prosecutor's Office.

Monteriggioni: cercano di mettere in atto la solita truffa del finto avvocato e del finto maresciallo, ma vengono colti sul fatto dai Carabinieri e arrestati

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