Sicily: Training courses for the unemployed and vulnerable

social policies

Sicily: Training courses for the unemployed and vulnerable

Training courses on IT and digital skills to support the path of social and professional inclusion of individuals with particular difficulties in accessing the labor market. The regional department of Family and Social Policies has published a notice, addressed to accredited training institutions, for the implementation of path 4 “Work and inclusion” of the “Workers’ Employability Guarantee” Program (GOL), financed with funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and made available by Europe through “NextGenerationEU”. The measure, in particular, will give the opportunity for 6.374 Sicilian beneficiaries, including unemployed people, people with disabilities, fragile or vulnerable workers, young NEETs, women in disadvantaged conditions, to participate in short training courses, regardless of the presence of income support.

«Through this project – he states Councilor Nuccia Albano – an ever-increasing number of disadvantaged people will be able to increase their employability. An active labor policy measure to support the work placement and re-placement paths of the most fragile and vulnerable groups, who have complex needs and find themselves faced with obstacles and barriers that go beyond the work dimension. In these months We have implemented several actions to bring citizens closer to the world of employment and path 4 is a concrete support for the creation of a truly inclusive labor market».

Short training courses, lasting 56 hours, will be funded (40 hours for transversal digital skills and 16 hours for Hygiene and safety in the workplace), to be completed within a maximum time frame of 12 months, and which aim to achieve basic and transversal training in IT, necessary to achieve digital citizenship and guarantee digital and work inclusion. The activities will be started in class groups composed of a minimum of six beneficiaries.

Applications must be sent by accredited bodies, exclusively through the specific Ciapigol application procedure, by 12:28 on February XNUMXth. From March XNUMXst, every two months, further time windows will be opened for the submission of applications, until the natural conclusion of the program.

Sicilia: Corsi di formazione per disoccupati e soggetti fragili

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