Sicily: Extraordinary checks of the territory, 60 people checked

The Carabinieri of the Messina Sud Company and the Operational Intervention Team, units of the 12th "Sicilia" Regiment of Palermo in support of the territorial departments of the force, were engaged in an extraordinary service of territorial control which involved, in particular, the villages in the southern area of ​​the capital #palermocronaca #messinacronaca #siciliacronaca

Sicily: Extraordinary checks of the territory, 60 people checked

The Carabinieri of the Messina Sud Company and the Operational Intervention Team, units of the 12th “Sicilia” Regiment of Palermo in support of the territorial departments of the force, were engaged in a extraordinary territorial control service which affected, in particular, the villages in the southern area of ​​the capital.

The service was implemented with the provision of patrols and checkpoints, in the evening and at night, aimed at combating crimes in general, especially predatory crimes, and those connected to drug trafficking, as well as violations of the Highway Code.

During the service, in which they were more than 50 vehicles and over 60 people checked, with regard to violations of the Highway Code that put motorists and pedestrians at serious risk, three people were reported for driving without a license with repeat offences in the last 2 years and one for refusing to undergo a breathalyser test, while four others were administratively sanctioned for driving under the influence of alcohol, with levels below the threshold of a criminal offence.

In relation toanti-drug activity, 12 people, aged between 20 and 35, have been reported to the Prefecture of Messina as users of narcotic substances, having been found in possession of doses of marijuana, heroin and cocaine, held for personal use. The substances were seized by the military and sent to the Carabinieri of the RIS of Messina for the relevant laboratory analyses.

Among the complaints made, the following was also contested: crime of transporting hazardous waste without authorization against the driver of a lorry, which, checked in the Bordonaro district, he was caught transporting waste from equipment and ferrous material, without having the required documentation, probably destined to be dumped illegally in the peripheral areas of the city.

Sicilia: Controlli straordinari del territorio, controllate 60 persone

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