Sicily: 9.800 associations admitted to the Third Sector Register. Albano: «Indispensable heritage for society»

social policies

Sicily: 9.800 associations admitted to the Third Sector Register. Albano: «Indispensable heritage for society»

There are 9.800 Sicilian associations registered in the National Third Sector Register (Runts). Of these, 1.730 out of 2.573 transmigrated who were supposed to regularize their position, presented the correct documentation. Instead, 843 entities were cancelled, of which 602 never responded to the notes and circulars issued by the regional department of Family, Social Policies and Work. With the activation of Runts, in November 2021, all third sector entities had to update their articles of association, bylaws, balance sheets and documentation to maintain the requirements.

In March 2024, the department had asked to send the missing documentation to the subjects who had not complied over the years, so that they could regularize their position within 60 days. Subsequently, three extensions were granted, for a total of 120 days. In August 2024, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies had invited all the Regions of Italy to complete the procedures for updating the data of the admitted entities and the consequent publication of the annual lists. A further deadline was assigned and in December the 843 organizations that had not regularized their position were cancelled. These latter associations will be able to appeal to the administration for the self-protection withdrawal of the provision, if the legal requirements are met, or to file a judicial appeal. The cancellation decrees indicated the procedures to be implemented.

«Third sector bodies - highlights the regional councillor for Family, Social Policies and Work, Nuccia Albano - They constitute an indispensable asset for society, having the capacity to provide services and, at the same time, to generate community through the valorization of spaces, places and bonds that bring people closer together. In the recent past the regional government has intervened, through actions to support the sector, enhancing the complementary and subsidiary role that voluntary organizations play in our community.

The regional department of Family and Social Policies has organized, throughout Sicily, 35 informative meetings with institutions, associations, accountants, mayors, notaries, civil protection and Cesvop and our offices have been working hard during these months, contacting several times those who needed to regularize their position, both through notices, circulars or certified emails, and by telephone. The cancellation from the list is a consequence of inadequate statutes, missing budgets or those not corresponding to ministerial models and, lastly, the failure to submit documents.

The region - concludes the commissioner - It has over 9.000 entities present on the territory and the controls constitute an action of legality and transparency for the associations that provide services for the weakest sections of the population and enjoy tax breaks. The control activity of the State and the regional administration is an essential element to not allow forms of illegality or widespread crime".

Sicilia: 9.800 associazioni ammesse al Registro del terzo settore. Albano: «Patrimonio indispensabile per la società»

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