Sicily: almost 5 million in contributions for the digitalization of youth and female micro-enterprises.

The Sicily Region allocates 4,8 million euros in non-repayable funds to support the digitalization of micro-enterprises managed by young professionals and women, with a contribution of up to 70% of the expenses.

Sicily: almost 5 million in contributions for the digitalization of youth and female micro-enterprises.

The Sicily Region supports the micro-enterprises of young and female freelancers with targeted contributions to digitalization. The intervention, approved today by the regional council on the proposal of the Department of Productive Activities, makes available over 4,8 million euros through the Sicily Fund, established by Article 2 of Regional Law 1/2019.

The resources will be provided under the de minimis, with contributions in depth to cover a variable quota between the 65% and 70% of the expenses incurred, up to a maximum ceiling of 20 thousand euros for business.

Recipients and eligible expenses
The measure is aimed at self-employed professionals with micro-enterprise size, provided they are young people among the 18 and 35 years and / or women, for which there are no age limits. The following expenses are eligible for the benefit:

  • Purchase of goods and services;
  • Consulting;
  • Education.

The management of the tender will be entrusted to Irfis FinSicilia, which will prepare a specific notice with all the methods of access to the contribution.

The statements
«With the allocation of resources approved today by the council – underlines the President of the Region, Renato Schifani – the instrument of the Sicily Fund It allows us to make the freelance activities of young people and women who still operate as micro-enterprises more competitive. We want to be by their side in investments that can make their businesses grow thanks to new technologies and computerization, thus consolidating the development of the Sicilian economy".

The Councillor for Productive Activities, Edy Tamajo, adds: «We support the tertiary sector with a measure that accompanies the digital transition of the professional world. We have decided to dedicate resources in particular to young professionals and female businesses, to increase their ability to compete and make their businesses more solid and innovative."

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