Sicily: 20 million allocated to renovate public buildings to be used as centers for the elderly and frail
social policies
Sicily: 20 million allocated to renovate public buildings to be used as centers for the elderly and frail
Twenty million euros for interventions to adapt, repurpose and restructure public buildings to be used as centers for the provision of services to the elderly, people with limited autonomy and their families. The regional department of Family and Social Policies has published the notice, pursuant to the European program Fesr Sicily 2021-2027 (Action 4.3.2 "A more inclusive Sicily") addressed to the Municipalities of the Island and their associations, consortia, unions, also associated with other public bodies: the goal is to facilitate the quality of life of people in fragile conditions and promote work-life balance processes.
«The planned interventions - he claims Councilor Nuccia Albano - represent a fundamental step towards improving the quality of life of elderly people and those with limited autonomy, who are in situations of social or environmental disadvantage or at risk of marginalization and their families. Offering citizens efficient non-residential services allows for the improvement of the conditions of buildings and contributes to creating a welcoming and stimulating environment, which promotes social inclusion, dignity and well-being of vulnerable people and those who assist them on a daily basis».
The interventions eligible for financing concern extraordinary maintenance, restoration and conservative redevelopment, building renovation and redevelopment of existing public buildings; adaptation and improvement of systems, including energy efficiency; overcoming architectural barriers and the creation of technological home automation solutions to guarantee disabled people accessibility to the building and common areas; regulatory adaptation in terms of building hygiene, user well-being, static safety, system safety, accessibility. Interventions that involve residential use are excluded. Activities must be carried out inside the buildings throughout the entire calendar year and for at least 4 days a week.
The applications, with the project and documentary attachments, must be sent, exclusively by certified email, by 12:00 on March 20th, to the address Each beneficiary can submit a single request for financial contribution. The notice can be consulted on the dedicated page of the institutional website of the Region.
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