Arezzo, translation competition for secondary schools

Open until December 23rd for the fourth and fifth classes of secondary schools

Arezzo, translation competition for secondary schools.

Il Pionta park in Arezzo and its history, from a mental hospital to a university, are the themes of the translation competition "TradUNi", open to secondary school students.

There's time until December 23 for submit the works translated into one of the languages ​​included in the announcement: Chinese, French, English, Russian, Spanish, German and Ukrainian.

You can compete by sending an original translation of the text reported in the attachment to the announcement, which deals with the history of the city's important green lung, which now houses the Arezzo university campus, as well as the San Donato hospital, the Galilei Institute, as well as headquarters of numerous associations and bodies. At the competition, that is open to the fourth and fifth classes of high schools, it is possible to participate both individually and in school or spontaneous groups.

The seven translations judged to be the best will be selected, one for each language included in the tender; the jury may also award other special mentions.

Each winner will receive the following prize: two days of hospitality in the city of Arezzo, in conjunction with Translation Day which will be held on 28 April 2023, participation in university life on the Pionta campus and reimbursement of travel expenses. Prizes are also provided for the class of origin of the winners.

The competition is promoted by the Degree Course in Languages ​​for Intercultural and Business Communication held in Arezzo, in collaboration with the Europe Direct Center of the University of Siena.

The notice, with the participation form and the text to be translated, is published on degree course website.

Arezzo, concorso di traduzione per le scuole superiori di II grado


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