
Orientamenti's Career Day returns to Savona with over 400 open positions

On December 4th and 5th at the Fortezza del Priamar in Savona, the event dedicated to young people and companies will be held, with 35 participating companies. An opportunity to meet the job offer in the Ligurian territory.

The Orientamenti Career Day returns to Savona with over 400 open positions.

After the success of the Genoa edition, which saw the presence of 4.300 participants and 155 companies from all over Liguria, the Orientamenti Career Day returns to Savona: On December 4th and 5th, the Fortezza del Priamar will host 35 companies with over 400 open job positions. The event, which takes place in Savona for the second consecutive year after the first edition in 2023, is organized by the Liguria Region through Alfa (Regional Agency for Work, Training and Accreditation) in collaboration with the Municipality of Savona, the University of Genoa and the Industrial Union of the Province of Savona.

For young people from Savona and beyond, this is a unique opportunity to meet the main companies in the area and learn about all the job opportunities associated with them.

«The Career Day numbers continue to grow, certifying the goodness of the initiative - Explains the councilor for training of the Liguria Region Simona Ferro. - Last year in Savona 23 local companies participated, while this year there will be 35: this increase shows us that the event is attractive not only for those looking for work, but also for those offering it. A real virtuous circle that creates employment. There are currently 407 open positions, but this figure is destined to grow further in these two days that separate us from the event».

«In 2023 we strongly wanted to decentralize the Career Day by organizing a first edition in Savona - declares Marco Scajola, regional councillor for European social fund programming - The choice proved to be a winning one: for this reason, in collaboration with the Municipality of Savona, we are proposing the event again, convinced that it can once again bring satisfaction and benefit to job seekers and participating companies. Two days of meeting between job supply and demand that, I am sure, will attract great interest. Through the extraordinary resources of the ESF, we will continue to finance strategic actions, such as this one, that give Ligurian citizens concrete opportunities for work, training, but also to practice sports and have social assistance. The results obtained to date, with Liguria included among the most virtuous regions at an Italian level for the management of the fund, must be confirmed and improved, where possible, in the coming years».

«We are happy - he claims Elisa Di Padova, Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Education and Training Policies of the Municipality of Savona - that after the great success of the 2023 edition, this year too Savona and OrientaRagazzi can host this wonderful initiative of concrete intersection between job supply and demand to discover the world of work and businesses in our territory. OrientaRagazzi lavoro will then continue with the Speed ​​Date dedicated to the meeting between young students and cooperative businesses and will end with an intense weekend entirely dedicated to innovative StartUps. A growing format, that of OrientaRagazzi Lavoro, which can play a very important strategic role for our kids and for our territory».

Participation is free: To meet companies and take part in selection interviews, simply register on the site orientations.regione.liguria.it, taking care to choose the day based on the companies of interest. It is always possible to register directly on site at the entrance (from 9.30 to 17).

A Savona torna il Career Day di Orientamenti con oltre 400 posizioni aperte

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