Salerno: Facilitating illegal immigration, 3.339 requests submitted by 142 companies revoked

maneuvers to block the facilitation of illegal immigration

Salerno: Facilitating illegal immigration, 3.339 requests submitted by 142 companies revoked

The personnel of the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Work and the Guardia di Finanza of Salerno are carrying out the notification to the competent Prefectures, through the Ministry of the Interior, of two measures, issued by the Public Prosecutor's Office – DDA of Salerno, through which it is communicated to proceed, with reference to the administrative procedure governed by the Flow Decrees 2021/2022/2023/2024, to the blocking and revocation of 3.339 requests for the arrival in Italy of the same number of non-EU workers, submitted by 142 companies operating mainly in the sectors of agriculture, construction and domestic assistance.

From the investigative findings, these companies were allegedly used by several criminal gangs, operating in the Salerno area, already hit, last July, from personal precautionary measures for the crimes of aiding illegal immigration as well as from the seizure of over one million euros (in cash) for submitting false requests for the hiring of non-EU citizens in order to allow their illegal entry into Italy.

Salerno: Favoreggiamento all'immigrazione clandestina, revocate 3.339 istanze inoltrate da 142 aziende

The communication in question will allow the Prefectures of 29 provinces involved, distributed throughout the national territory, to proceed:

- to block the process of granting the work permit, if the procedure for obtaining it is still ongoing;

- to the reporting to the competent Consular Authorities, if the work permit has already been issued, but the entry visa has not yet been issued or delivered to the foreigner or, if issued, the foreigner has not yet entered Italy;

- upon revocation of the benefit granted (any residence permit or residence contract stipulated), also involving the competent Police Headquarters, if the foreigner is already present in the territory of the State.

The measures in question, carried out thanks to the active collaboration of the Ministry of the Interior, are unique in their implementation methods.

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