
Roccapiemonte and Pellezzano: Carabinieri carry out an extraordinary service of territorial control

3 reported for carrying knives and 2 proposed for expulsion order. Drugs seized and users reported to the prefect.

Roccapiemonte and Pellezzano: Carabinieri carry out an extraordinary service of territorial control

On November 27, the Carabinieri of the Mercato San Severino Company (SA) carried out an extraordinary service of dynamic control of the territory aimed at prevention and repression of crimes in general, with particular attention to crimes against property in relation to thefts in homes and commercial activities.

The Carabinieri control, which particularly affected the municipalities of Pellezzano e Roccapiemonte with the use of personnel from the Pellezzano and Castel San Giorgio stations, supported by the neighbouring stations, by the Radiomobile Quota and by the Operational Quota of the Norm of the Sanseverino Market Company, it was also extended to verify compliance with the Highway Code.

During the operation, which employed a device made up of several patrols, several vehicles were checked 43 vehicles, identified 67 people e 12 sanctions imposed for violations of the Highway Code; furthermore, 2 vehicles seized and subjected to administrative detention because they do not have the required compulsory third party liability insurance or because they have not undergone an MOT.

During the operation, which extended to the control of public establishments, there were also administratively seized quantities of drugs such as hashish, cocaine and crack and 2 drug users have been reported to the Prefecture of Salerno for the relevant administrative measures. Finally, two persons have been proposed for the obligatory release form e three reported to the Judicial Authority for violations regarding the carrying of weapons and objects capable of causing offence.

Roccapiemonte e Pellezzano: Carabinieri effettuano un servizio straordinario di controllo del territorio

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