Agropoli: he mistreats and stalks his ex-wife. A 55-year-old man arrested by the Carabinieri

The investigations, originating from the complaint filed by the victim, allowed the Carabinieri to gather serious evidence of guilt against the suspect who allegedly mistreated and persecuted the woman.

Agropoli: abuses and stalks his ex-wife. A 55-year-old man arrested by the Carabinieri.

On the evening of October 1st, in Agropoli (Salerno), the Carabinieri of the local station carried out aorder implementing the precautionary measure of "prohibition of approaching the injured party", with the application of the electronic bracelet" issued, at the request of this Public Prosecutor's Office, by the GIP of the Court of Vallo della Lucania (Salerno) against a 55-year-old local man investigated for “mistreatment within the family and stalking” against his ex-wife.

The investigations, originating from the complaint filed by the victim, allowed the Carabinieri to gather serious evidence of guilt against the suspect who allegedly mistreated and persecuted the woman.

The precautionary measure is obviously subject to appeal and the accusations thus formulated will be subjected to scrutiny by the judge in the further stages of the proceedings.

Agropoli: maltratta e perseguita l'ex moglie. Arrestato un 55enne dai Carabinieri

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