Rimini, maxi blitz by the Provincial Command and the Labor Inspectorate of Rimini. 12 precautionary measures carried out
The Carabinieri have executed an order for the application of precautionary measures against 12 individuals deemed presumed responsible for having organised a network operating in the context of illicit migrant trafficking active in the provinces from 2017 to 2020
Rimini, maxi blitz by the Provincial Command and the Labor Inspectorate of Rimini. 12 precautionary measures carried out
From the early hours of the morning, in the provinces of Rimini, Bologna, Forlì-Cesena, Reggio Emilia and Pesaro-Urbino the Carabinieri of the Information Unit-Operational Department of the Provincial Command of Rimini and of the local Carabinieri Labor Inspectorate Unit, collaborated in the executive phase by the military of the Provincial Commands involved and by the Carabinieri of the Labor Protection Group of Venice, with the support of the air component of the 13th Carabinieri Helicopter Unit of Forlì they executed an order for the application of precautionary measures issued by the GIP Office of the Court of Rimini at the request of the local Public Prosecutor's Office, against 12 individuals deemed to be presumed responsible, in various capacities, for having organised a network operating in the context of illicit migrant trafficking active in the above-mentioned provinces, from 2017 to 2020.
The complex and detailed investigative activity began with a complaint filed by an Egyptian citizen who reported having paid the sum of €6.000 to obtain a fictitious job aimed at issuing a permit to enter the national territory as a prerequisite for obtaining a subsequent residence permit.
The investigations conducted through technical activities, documentary checks, observation and shadowing services, analysis of telephone and computer records have made it possible to highlight how the suspects, in collaboration with each other, would have created a consortium system of companies, employers and intermediaries located also in organizations specifically responsible for the protection of workers' social and welfare rights aimed at obtaining illicit profits; the investigations, in particular, involved an employee of the INPS, an employee of a Romagna patronage and a chartered accountant from another region.
The sums of the business that would have earned the suspects hundreds of thousands of euros to the detriment of over one hundred confirmed victims are truly significant.
The activity would have highlighted a well-tested modus operandi and adaptable to the specific requests regulated from year to year by the legislator for the regulation of migratory flows, consisting of:
– in the identification of non-EU citizens, all of North African origin, willing to pay to obtain a residence permit; - in the identification, upon payment, of conniving entrepreneurs for the stipulation of fictitious employment contracts (mainly as housekeepers and carers) and individuals ready to provide, again for payment, fake addresses necessary for the issuing of the residence document;
– in tracking down EU citizens with whom to organize sham marriages;
– in requests for unemployment benefits resulting from false hiring.
The process would have materialized in the alleged exploitation of non-EU citizens forced to work grueling shifts and placed in conditions of psychological subjection linked to obtaining a residence permit. Some young victims were even forced to have sexual relations with some of the suspects or with occasional clients procured by them.
The crimes contested include: aiding and abetting illegal immigration, exploitation of labor and prostitution, continued corruption, false statements in documents intended for the Judicial Authority, continued aiding and abetting the permanence of an irregular foreign citizen, receiving stolen goods and ideological falsity committed by a private individual in a public document.
Of the subjects investigated, having assessed the seriousness of the circumstantial evidence in relation to the crimes contested and the solidity of the accusatory framework that emerged:
- 4 were recipients of a precautionary measure in prison, to be associated with the Rimini District Prison;
- 7 placed under house arrest at their respective homes (provinces of Rimini, Reggio Emilia and Pesaro-Urbino);
- 1 recipient of obligation to report to the Judicial Police
The search for one of the individuals affected by the measure is still ongoing.
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