Rimini, attempted theft in a club: a woman arrested
A man reported the presence of two suspicious women next to his business with a pair of scissors, then one of the two women fled. The other woman was stopped and arrested by the police for attempted aggravated robbery.
Rimini, attempted theft in a club: a woman arrested
In the late morning of 11.07.2024 staff of State Police arrested a foreign girl surrendered responsible for the crime of attempted aggravated theft and false declaration to a Public Official. Specifically, around the hours 12pm, a steering wheel crew, at the disposal of the local Operations Room, it was sent to near the Darsena as a man reported the presence of two suspicious women fiddling against lock the door next to his business with a pair of scissors.
At the sight of the policemen, one of the women began to run away while the other, still with scissors in hand, he put them in his trousers, but he couldn't escape since it was blocked by the operators who had arrived at that very moment.
La woman was accompanied to the Police Headquarters offices for photodactyloscopic measurements and it emerged that she was the recipient of an arrest order of the Court of Florence which provided for the replacement of the measure of the residence obligation at the Municipality of Rome, with precautionary custody in prison.
The girl, after notifying her of the Court's document, he came arrested for the crimes of attempted aggravated theft and false certification or declaration to a public official and the translation was arranged at the Forlì prison, awaiting validation.
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