Rieti: Carabinieri Activity Reports for 2024

annual budget of the Carabinieri

Rieti: Carabinieri Activity Reports for 2024

Another year has just ended and it is time to take stock also for the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of RietiBeing able to count on a widespread diffusion throughout the territory where it is present with the Operations Department based in Rieti,  3 Companies (Cittaducale, Rieti and Poggio Mirteto) with their respective Operational and Radiomobile Nuclei and 34 Stations and strong with an effective “operational synergy” with the special departments, the Provincial Command of the Arma has assured, both in the capital and in the remaining 72 municipalities of the province, all functions to ensure orderly civil coexistence and community safety.

In 2024, the dependent departments pursued 3.646 crimes in the entire province (- 3% compared to 2023 when there were 3.744): 182 arrests (+ 37 % compared to 2023) e 1.123 reports filed at liberty with the Judicial Authority (+ 37 % compared to 2023), 67 electronic bracelets installed of which 52 referring to episodes connected with the gender-based violence.

Prevention Activities

In the course of 17.059 patrol services (average 47 per day), aimed mainly at preventing crimes and ensuring the safety of citizens, 49.780 people were checked, with an average of 136 per day, and 36.160 cars/motorcycles, with a daily average of 99. Furthermore, 2.519 fines issued for violations of the Highway Code (+61% compared to 2023) for a total amount of 691.556,78 Euros (+90% compared to 2023).

The preventive activity carried out by the Carabinieri also in the field of road safety was very important. Particular attention has been paid to compliance with the rules relating to driving behaviour in order to prevent those violations which, in addition to endangering the person directly concerned, also constitute a serious risk to the safety of others. In this regard, 102 people were fined for driving under the influence of alcohol (+168% compared to 2023 with 38 cases) to which are added others 17 drivers found in a state of psychophysical alteration due to the intake of narcotic or psychotropic substances (+89% compared to 2023 with 9 cases).

101 Guests were, instead, fined for being found driving while using electronic devices such as cell phones or tablets (+80% compared to 2023) and others 44 for wrong-way driving (+2% compared to the previous year). 420 vehicles were found in circulation without having carried out the required periodic inspection (+41% compared to 2023) while 170 were found to be without insurance coverage (+93% compared to 2023).

4 people reported to the Judicial Authority for road homicide including a 35-year-old from Rieti who, last March, was arrested red-handed for driving with a blood alcohol level of 2,93 g/l (the limit set by the Highway Code is 0,5 g/l), causing an accident on the SS4 Salaria, in which his young girlfriend lost her life.

Gender and Domestic Violence

The Carabinieri pay maximum attention to the phenomenon of gender violence, which includes crimes such as mistreatment in the family, stalking and sexual violence. There have been many requests for intervention for attacks on women committed within the home, in which a timely intervention by the Carabinieri, made possible only thanks to the widespread distribution of the force throughout the province, has prevented the crime from being carried to much more serious consequences. The investigative activities conducted in this area have led to the31 arrests carried out (+ 7% compared to 2023) and by 25 measures prohibiting approaching the injured party (+108% compared to 2023), that is more than double compared to last year (12 prohibitions).

Anti-Drug Activities

As regards anti-drug dealing activities, they were 38 people arrested (+52% compared to 2023) e 55 more reported at large (+139% compared to 2023). 132instead, they were the reported subjects to the Prefecture of Rieti which drug users (+77% compared to 2023). They were Over 21 kilograms of narcotics seized including: 459 grams of cocaine, 47 grams of heroin, 6,1 kilograms of hashish, 15,276 kilograms of marijuana.

Investigative and Repressive Activities

With regard to Main investigative activities of 2024, deserve to be remembered:
- the investigation turning from Rieti Station last September, which ended with the arrest of one person in flagrante delicto and the reporting at large of another for the crime of aggravated extortion in competition, which put an end to a story that had lasted for years, concerning the threats that the two addressed towards a couple from Rieti, both disabled, to get them to hand over money (for a total amount exceeding 30.000 Euro);
- the arrest made in September by the Operational and Radiomobile Unit of the Poggio Mirteto Company and by the Poggio Mirteto Station against a person who, following an argument that arose for trivial reasons, had reached his opponent inside a bar in Forano (RI), with a pistol hidden in his trousers, with the serial number erased and a 6,35 calibre, found by the military with a bullet already in the chamber and seven other cartridges in the magazine;
- the investigation of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Poggio Mirteto Company and from the Fara in Sabina Station, concluded in October with the denunciation at large of 2 people for the crime of production of narcotic substances, during which an entire marijuana plantation was seized, found inside an industrial warehouse where all the equipment used for growing the plants and the subsequent division into doses of the drug to be placed on the market was also found and seized;
- the investigations carried out from the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Cittaducale Company in relation to two scams, which occurred respectively in January and October to the detriment of an elderly woman from Antrodoco and one from Cittaducale, both contacted by telephone by a self-styled member of the Carabinieri who, deceiving them, convinced them to hand over to an accomplice 1.500 Euro in cash in the first case and 2.200 in the second. The investigations carried out in this regard have allowed the identification of the 4 perpetrators of the scams (2 per episode), all of Campanian origin, already holding police records for similar acts committed in other areas of central/northern Italy.

Special Departments Activities

The departments dependent on Carabinieri Forestry Group of Rieti They carried out a total of 11.415 checks, proceeding with 160 crimes. 108 people were reported to the Judicial Authority and 535 administrative sanctions imposed in total for an amount equal to 178.428 Euro. Particular attention was paid to the prevention and suppression of forest fires during which more than 800 checks were carried out. 4 people reported for the crime of malicious forest fire and 3 for that of negligent forest fire. 5 triggers were seized during the various activities and 20 verbal proceedings were filed relating to the lighting of fires during an unauthorized period, for a total amount of approximately 2.700 Euros.

I Carabinieri of the Anti-Counterfeiting Unit of Viterbo, in the province of Rieti, carried out 283 inspections, finding 11 criminal violations and 126 administrative ones. 9 people reported to the Judicial Authority and 72 reported to the health authorities and administrative with fines of 78.600 euros. In food industry was Suspension of activities of 6 facilities ordered for violations such as: failure to comply with general hygiene requirements, the lack of traceability of some products (with consequent administrative seizure of approximately 250 kilograms of food), the discovery of some feeds marketed with non-compliant labelling and two school canteens found to be in lack of authorisation.

Il Carabinieri Labor Inspectorate Unit of Rieti carried out 250 inspections following which irregularities were ascertained in 171 companies and 236 administrative violations in labor matters were contested, for a total amount of 469.135 Euro. 37 activities suspended due to irregular work (44 workers found without a regular employment contract) or for serious safety violations with 2 non-EU citizens arrested for possession and manufacturing of false identity documents (then accompanied to the border and expelled from the national territory) and 2 people reported at large for labor exploitation (a phenomenon otherwise known as gangmastering).

The activity of prevention and contrast of crimes will continue, with further commitment, during the year 2025, just started, in which Unfortunately, a first complaint for drunk driving has already been registered. A few evenings ago, in fact, the military personnel of the Operational and Radiomobile Unit of the Rieti Company, following numerous reports received by the Single Emergency Number 112, proceeded to control of a vehicle which had been noticed by some passers-by while it was driving in Campoloniano with a completely irregular gait, then colliding with a parked car.

The soldiers who intervened on site, after having ascertained that there were none, luckily, injured, proceeded to the surveys and checks of the people involved in the accident. During the investigations, with the help of the breathalyzer, they found that the driver of the vehicle, a 45 year old woman already known to the military, she had started driving despite having a alcohol level equal to 3,92 g/l, or more than six times the limit permitted by the Highway Code. The woman also happened to have a suspended driving license following a similar incident. For this reason the interested party was reported at liberty at the Public Prosecutor's Office of Rieti.

Rieti: Bilanci delle attività dei Carabinieri del 2024

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