Cittaducale: 42-year-old found in Migliano after driving away from Viterbo

The car was located and fortunately also the man, a little disoriented but in good health.

Cittaducale: a 42-year-old man who had left Viterbo in his car was found in Migliano.

Following a disappointment in love, a 42-year-old from Viterbo had left his home, leaving notes in which he expressed his desire to commit suicide and all the information regarding his inheritance wishes. He then fled in his car, taking with him only his cell phone.

The family members, evidently worried, immediately reported everything to the Carabinieri of Viterbo.
The searches then concentrated on the municipality of Castel Sant'Angelo, in the province of Rieti, where the cell phone that the man had with him was found.

Despite the efforts made in the search, which continued throughout the afternoon, the person was initially not found.
But the Carabinieri of the Antrodoco Station did not give up and, despite the darkness and torrential rain of the night, thanks to an excellent knowledge of the territory, they searched a mountainous area known to be impervious and full of dangers, travelling along a dirt road that from the municipality of Micigliano leads to Terminillo.

Here they located the car and fortunately also the man, a little disoriented but in good health.

Cittaducale: ritrovato a Migliano un 42enne che si era allontanato con la sua auto da Viterbo.

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