Rieti: fugitive member of a drug dealing gang from Bassa Sabina arrested

The fourth member of a gang of drug dealers from Bassa Sabina was arrested on the run. Precautionary measures were issued for the four, but only three were carried out. The fourth member on the run was found and placed under house arrest.

Rieti: fugitive member of a drug dealing gang from Bassa Sabina arrested

At the end of an investigative activity conducted by the Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Poggio Mirteto Company, in collaboration with some Stations of Sabina, some operations were carried out precautionary measures against four people, all investigated for the crime of possession of narcotic substances for the purpose of dealing.

The measures were issued by the Preliminary Investigations Judge of the Court of Rieti, at the request of the local Public Prosecutor's Office, on the basis of the serious evidence of guilt collected by the military personnel of the Carabinieri against the suspects, who had formed a criminal group dedicated to drug dealing throughout the Lower Sabina.

Rieti: arrestato latitante componente di una banda di spacciatori della Sabina

The restrictive measures had been promptly carried out by the Carabinieri against three of them, while the fourth, at the time of the execution of the orders, had in fact become a "fugitive".

It was like that a targeted search for the suspect has been launched, concentrated mainly in the locations where he appeared to have personal interests, which, in a short time, allowed him to be traced. The military of the Arma, therefore, immediately proceeded to execute the order implementing the precautionary measure ordered against him: the man was in fact placed under house arrest with the application of an electronic bracelet (useful for monitoring his movements) and with the absolute ban on communicating with third parties who do not live with him.

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