Avigliano: He tries to strangle his wife after beating her, 66-year-old arrested
an arrest
Avigliano: He tries to strangle his wife after beating her, 66-year-old arrested
Protection of the weaker groups by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Potenza continues to be a priority objective in the intense work of prevention and repression of crimes. This time it is the community of Avigliano that is the scene, against its will, of an episode of domestic violence. The Carabinieri of the local station, following a request received at 112 by a woman of foreign origin, They promptly intervened, putting an end to a sad episode of family abuse culminating in an act of deplorable violence. According to what the woman reported to the Operations Centre of the Carabinieri Company of Potenza, her brother-in-law, for trivial reasons and under the influence of alcohol, had shortly before physically assaulted his wife, sister of the applicant, throwing her to the ground and hitting her head, even attempting to strangle her.
During the attack the woman's screams had been heard by her sister, present in the same house, who had immediately dialed the Single Emergency Number 112, raising the alarm and requesting the intervention of the Carabinieri. The Carabinieri of the Avigliano station, promptly arrived at the couple's home, They found the woman lying on the bed with clear signs of the attack on her body and the man, a 66-year-old local man, in another room still clearly intoxicated.
Having entrusted the victim to the care of the 118 health workers, the military reconstructed the entire incident, thus arresting the man for mistreatment of the family and attempted murder and taking him, at the end of the formal procedures, to the Potenza District Prison, at the disposal of the Potenza Judicial Authority. The Office of the Investigating Judge Preliminary trials of the Court of Potenza then validated the arrest, ordering the precautionary custody of the 66-year-old in prison.
The Carabinieri's recommendation to citizens is renewed of the Provincial Command of Potenza resort, from the first signs of danger or fear, to the Single Emergency Number 112 or to the Carabinieri offices in the territory and to do so in the certainty of always being received and listened to by adequately trained soldiers and able to offer concrete help.
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