The activity of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Potenza continues in this new year with the same determination and commitment that have characterized 2024: ensuring the safety and peace of mind of citizens through a constant presence on the territory and an action to combat any form of illegality, making use of extraordinary prevention services which are added to those ordinarily arranged by the territorial Companies.
In the first six days of the 2025, all the Carabinieri Companies and Stations of the Province have intensified territorial control services, conducting targeted operations that led to brilliant operating results.
In detail, the men of the Carabinieri have:
- Checked more than 1200 vehicles;
- Nearly 2000 people identified;
- Raised over 100 traffic violations for a total amount exceeding 10.000 €;
- 17 driving licenses withdrawn;
- 8 vehicles seized.
The activities to combat widespread crime have led to the 15 people reported at liberty for crimes ranging from violations of the Highway Code al Illicit possession of weapons and explosive material, up to crimes against the person and property. They have also been 3 people reported to the Prefecture of Potenza as drug users, with the consequent seizure of marijuana and hashish.
In the context of operations, on the day of New Year, was found and seized in a municipality of the Val d'Agri, large quantity of pyrotechnic material, equal to more half a quintal, illegally detained.
The results achieved by the women and men of the Benemerita demonstrate that the prevention It is a fundamental element for the protection of citizens' safety. A goal that the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Potenza intends to pursue with commitment , through a presence assiduous and an action constant throughout the province, in the usual spirit of collaboration between institutions to combat all forms of illegality and protect the territory.