Oppido Lucano: Carabinieri thwart theft of photovoltaic panels and recover stolen van.

The timely intervention of the Carabinieri of Acerenza allowed them to recover 150 photovoltaic panels and a stolen van, while the criminals fled.

Oppido Lucano: Carabinieri thwart theft of photovoltaic panels and recover stolen van.

The activities of continue incessantly prevention and fight against crime of the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Potenza. As part of the Institute's daily services, intensified in these days of celebration, the military of the Carabinieri Company of Acerenza have achieved a important operating result foiling a theft of photovoltaic panels and recovering a stolen vehicle.

At the first light of dawn, a call to the Unique Emergency Number 112 by a diligent citizen has reported suspicious movements near a photovoltaic field Oppido Lucano. The Operations Center of the Carabinieri Company of Acerenza he immediately converged the patrols in a circuit in the indicated area, guarding the communication routes and leaving no other choice to the evildoers than to escape on foot in the surrounding countryside.

The timely intervention of the men of the Carabinieri made it possible to recover and return to the plant manager 150 photovoltaic panels dismantled from their seats and loaded onto a van.

The vehicle turned out to be object of theft in the province of Matera and therefore returned to the rightful owner, at the end of the checks carried out by specialized personnel of the Operational Unit of the Carabinieri of Acerenza, still engaged in investigations aimed atidentification of criminals.

The result achieved by the men of the Carabinieri demonstrates once again the importance of synergy between citizens and institutions in the fight against crime, a precious collaboration that very often proves to be determinant to ensure readiness and effectiveness in the daily work of the Police Forces.

Il Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Potenza invites all citizens to report promptly al Single Emergency Number 112 or by contacting the local police headquarters for any suspicious activity, thus helping to ensure the safety of the territory , community protection.

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