
Melfi: commemoration ceremony on the 34th anniversary of the tragic death of Brigadier Antonio Cezza, silver medal for military valor in memory

The solemn ceremony took place in the presence of the Provincial and Local Authorities, the Vicar of the Quaestor and the Mayor Giuseppe Maglione.

Melfi: commemoration ceremony on the 34th anniversary of the tragic death of Brigadier Antonio Cezza, silver medal for military valor in memory.

In Melfi at the Villa Comunale “A. Sibilla”, on the 34th anniversary of his death, a solemn commemoration took place in honor of Carabinieri Brigadier Antonio Cezza, who, right in the Frederick city, tragically lost his life in the performance of his duty.
It was July 17, 1990 when Brigadier Antonio Cezza, born in Cursi (Lecce) on February 15, 1964, attached to the Mobile Radio Unit of the Melfi Carabinieri Company, off duty and in civilian clothes, intervened with other soldiers in a violent brawl that broke out right in that Villa Comunale, exactly at the point where, today, a stele commemorates him.

That sad day 34 years ago, the Carabiniere in him couldn't avoid taking action, it didn't allow him to hide behind being "off duty", well aware that a Carabiniere, after all, never is. He intervened, contemptuous of the danger, confronting a well-known criminal armed with a rifle who, at the sight of him, fired several shots, hitting him in the face.

Immediate aid and desperate attempts to save his life were in vain and, five days later, in the hospital in Potenza, the young life of Brigadier Cezza ended at just twenty-six years of age.

The heroism of his act earned him the award of the "Silver Medal of Military Valor in Memory", with the following motivation: “Non-commissioned officer in charge of the Company's Operations and Radiomobile Unit, on 17 July 1990, having learned that a serious brawl was taking place in public gardens, although off duty and in civilian clothes, he intervened promptly and together with other soldiers. Having intercepted a known criminal, armed with a rifle and in a threatening attitude, he faced him with great contempt for the danger, preceding his fellow soldiers. He was mortally wounded by the close fire action of the criminal to whom he had ordered to surrender. Shining example of elite military virtues, very high sense of duty and generous altruism up to the supreme sacrifice.”

The solemn ceremony took place in the presence of the Provincial and Local Authorities, the Deputy Chief of Police and the Mayor Giuseppe Maglione. Together with them, Colonel Luca D'Amore, Provincial Commander of the Carabinieri of Potenza.

The deposition of a laurel wreath at the "Stele" erected in the Villa Comunale for everlasting memory, was followed by the celebration of the Holy Mass in repose in the Cathedral Basilica, officiated by HE Mons. Ciro Fanelli, Bishop of the local Diocese of Melfi - Rapolla - Venous (PZ).

The Carabinieri paid deserved honors to their hero with the participation of a large group of soldiers from the Melfi Carabinieri Company, the “Basilicata” Legion Command and his retired colleagues from the National Association Section, named after him, as did the nearby “Antonio Cezza” barracks, home to the San Nicola di Melfi Station.

They were joined by members of other similar local associations, as well as the leaders of the Guardia di Finanza Company of Rionero in Vulture and the Traffic Police of Melfi, representatives of the Penitentiary Police, Municipal Police and the Municipal Administration.

The Authorities were joined by a large representation of citizens who, with their emotional recollection, demonstrated their gratitude and admiration for the extreme sacrifice made. by Brigadier Cezza, a courageous man with very high ethical and moral values ​​who went to the extreme sacrifice to serve the State and honor his oath: a Carabiniere.

Melfi: cerimonia di commemorazione nel 34° anniversario della tragica morte del brigadiere dei Carabinieri Antonio Cezza, medaglia d'argento al valor militare alla memoria.

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