Waiting list decree, green light from the Chamber: it is law

Meloni: «Let's take further steps forward to guarantee citizens' right to health»

Waiting list decree, green light from the Chamber: it is law.

The green light has arrived Room al decree waiting lists. The text, in second reading in Montecitorio, was approved with 171 yes and 122 no, and now it's officially law.

The provision provides, among other things, the establishment at Agenas of a national platform for waiting lists. This should serve to monitor the times of provision of services and the grouping of public and private structures affiliated in a single regional or intra-regional Cup (Reservation Centre).

As regards the Checks, there will be no more direct intervention on the part of the Ministry of Health if a facility makes citizens wait too long, but those responsible for monitoring will be i Streets, the new regional sole managers of healthcare.

«After having brought the health fund to its highest level ever, we are taking further steps forward to guarantee citizens' right to health. We establish a national system for monitoring waiting lists and accompany it with an effective control mechanism". This is the prime minister's comment Giorgia Meloni after the approval of the measure in the House.

«We are expanding the offer with the single regional Cup to make available both the services provided by the public and the services provided by accredited private individuals. We ensure that citizens are always provided with the benefit, also with the use of intramoenia services and accredited private structures. From 2025 we will abolish the spending cap for the hiring of doctors and healthcare personnel and we will reduce tax on their salaries for the additional services that serve to reduce waiting list times", concluded the Prime Minister.

«You didn't do anything for a year and a half and then you brought out this empty decree, this rubbish decree 4 days before the European elections. But who do you think you're kidding? Waiting lists cannot be shortened without spending a euro and without hiring staff". This is the attack launched in the chamber by the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein in the declaration of vote for the bill on waiting lists.

Decreto liste d'attesa, via libera della Camera è legge

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