Von der Leyen sends a letter to the 27 for the roles of commissioner

The deadline for the 27's response, explains the Commission spokeswoman, is 30 August

Von der Leyen sends a letter to the 27 for the roles of commissioner.

The president of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen sent this morning letter to member countries to ask for profiles for the role of commissioner.

The deadline for the response of the 27, explains the Commission spokeswoman, It's August 30th.

«Von der Leyen was very clear in the press conference in Strasbourg last week that, in the letter, she would have asked for the names of a man and a woman» for the role of commissioner and that gender equality would have been "a priority" for the composition of the next Commission, explained the spokesperson of the EU executive Arianna Podesta, responding to those who asked her whether the principle will be respected despite some capitals having announced that they do not want to send a couple of names to Brussels but only one candidate.

Von der Leyen invia una lettera ai 27 per i ruoli di commissario

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