Trieste: call for tenders for businesses in the trade district
A tool available to businesses in the retail, service, public establishments and manufacturing sectors.
Trieste: call for tenders for businesses in the trade district
“Great attention to the city's trade sector, this measure is the result of constant dialogue with businesses and intends not only to support them but also to promote innovation actions, in a historical moment in which it is necessary to propose new things to address the major critical issues that retail trade must face in keeping up with the change in consumer habits, due to the increasingly marked affirmation of online trade (e-commerce)”, said the deputy mayor and municipal councilor for Economic Activities, Serena Tonel.
"It is not a given that the challenge of change is lost from the start, we must work together, institutions and the business world, so that an economic sector essential to the social fabric of the city reacts and faces the current challenges with confidence - continued Serena Tonel -. The tools that the institution of the District of Commerce offers us, thanks to the FVG Region, are very useful for this and future actions that the Municipality intends to implement, thanks to the valuable collaboration of the Chamber of Commerce, Confcommercio, URES and the University of Trieste who are our partners in this journey", concluded the deputy mayor and municipal councilor for Economic Activities, Serena Tonel.
From 09.00 on Wednesday 30 October the companies of Roiano, S, Giacomo and the city centre, will be able to submit applications to access the non-repayable contributions made available by the Municipality of Trieste as part of the initiative relating to the Commercial District "Trieste Commercial” of the Julian capital.
The distribution of resources, equal to €200 thousand, predicts one endowment of €70 for the production facilities of Roiano, as many for those of San Giacomo and €60 thousand for the center.
Companies can access the opportunity retail trade, services, public establishments and manufacturing as long as they are registered to the Register of Artisans.
The contribution, which cannot be combined with other public contributions, granted under the de minimis regime, will cover up to 80% of the expenses incurred, from a minimum ceiling of €2.000 to a maximum of €15, including those incurred starting from January 1st of the current year.
Expenses incurred for the purposes of the digitization of production processes (for example the purchase of hardware, software, fixed and mobile digital devices, those for security, website development, e-commerce) and those aimed at a more sustainable development of the company (for example the purchase of curtains, air conditioners, heating systems, the replacement of windows).
The disbursement of the contribution will follow the chronological order of submission of applications, by filling in the relevant form (form clicking here), accompanied by the Paid invoices for the interventions carried out or from the cost estimates.
Investments will need to be completed within 9 months, having a possible extension for a further 3, from the date of the communication containing the disbursement of the contribution. The deadline for submitting the documentation is 12.00pm on Monday 02 December.
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