Tractor protest, the EU extends the exemption on agriculture
A motorway toll booth in Brescia blocked
Tractor protest, the EU extends the exemption on agriculture.
«Farmers are the backbone of EU food security and the heart of our rural areas». He states it Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, who adds: «The Commission's long-lasting commitment is carried out through the common agricultural policy budget worth €386,7 billion, which helps stabilize the income of European farmers, while rewarding their efforts on climate and sustainability. Today's measure offers additional flexibility to farmers at a time when they face multiple challenges.".
Meanwhile, they continue farmers' protests than with theirs tractors they invade the streets in several European countries and in Italy.
French farmers in revolt they did raid in an area of storage of the Rungis general markets, at the gates of Paris, where they were committed «damage». This is what French police sources report, specifying that the demonstrators were evacuated by the police and that they would 79 people stopped by the police. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, had warned the protesters that any attempt to access the general markets of Rungis, the most important wholesale market in France, would be prevented by the police.
At the same time, the Italian farmers on board their tractors they blocked the Brescia motorway toll booth, creating their own column which effectively prevents the passage of outgoing and incoming vehicles. The means of coordination Agricultural redemption, who have been demonstrating in Brescia against European policies since Tuesday, have sent traffic into a tailspin in the southern area of the Lombard city.
All this while the European Commission announced a new extension of derogation from the rule of the common agricultural policy, which provides that to access community aid, farmers must leave portions of fallow land. The vice-president of the community executive announced this during a press conference Schina's Margaritis. The one linked to fallow it is one of the measures to make the agri-food sector sustainable against which, however, farmers are protesting, who are lining up tractors on the streets of several European cities.
«Good, the meeting went very well» declared the Minister lollobrigida entering the neighborhood of Verona Agricultural Fair, after speaking at length with representatives of the tractor movement. «Our ministry tries to put our agriculture, our fishing and our breeding back at the center which are quality and respect for the environment. Farmers are the area's first environmentalists." added lollobrigida.
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