
Mulè amendment passes: «More weight for Serie A»

A soft version compared to the original text

Mulè amendment passes: «More weight to Serie A».

Reformulated, but ultimately theMulé amendment to give greater representation in Serie A it is gone. A soft version compared to the original text but for the League of A, today represented by Lorenzo Casini, it is still an important goal because «the rule is an indispensable first step in the reform process that Serie A has been asking for for some time».

La Football Association speaks of "obvious satisfaction" for the remodeled text because it follows what has always been the line of President Gravina.

Of the initial formula only one point remained: that "guarantees, in compliance with the statutes, adequate representation in federal systems".

So in team sports made up of professional athletes and with general mutuality mechanisms "professional sports leagues have the right to fair representation in the governing bodies of the relevant national sports federations which also takes into account the economic contribution made to the relevant sports system".

During the vote in the Commission, the head of sport of the Democratic Party, the deputy Mauro Berruto, gave a tough speech in which he talks about bad shape for the football league, for government and for sport, the minister's comment is of a different tone Abode why now «it will be easier for the Federation, if it wants also with our contribution, find a balanced and common sense solution to the issue addressed by the amendment, and also to the other major questions that have not found answers and solutions in recent years in the football system".

Di «the beginning of a new era»Instead, speak Mule, who presented this amendment. «A new page opens, which finally brings our system up to date», underlined the FI deputy who believes that the components left out of the original text will also be treated later.

Passa l emendamento Mulè Più peso alla Serie A

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