
The continuous youth policy table of the Municipality of Ancona is born

Co-programming is envisaged by the Third Sector Code as a tool aimed at defining and implementing specific service or intervention projects

The continuous youth policy table of the Municipality of Ancona is born.

The council, meeting today at Palazzo del Popolo, on the proposal of thecouncilor for youth policies Marco Battino approved the guidelines for the establishment of a continuous table of co-programming for the development of youth policies of the Municipality of Ancona, defined as a privileged tool for establishing a permanent connection between the Municipality of Ancona and the heterogeneous world, public and private, of youth policies. The decision responds to the indications of the mandate program, included in the single programming document attached to the 2024-2026 budget forecast.

Co-programming is envisaged by the Third Sector Code as a tool aimed at defining and also implementing specific service or intervention projects.

"We wanted to make the participation of young people and the Third Sector structural in the planning of the Municipality's activities - explains the councilor – not only because it was our precise will, expressed in the mandate program, but also and above all because this will responded to the request of many youth associations. We have therefore created and institutionalized this table, which from now on will be a continuous co-programming tool and will involve those in our territory who have youth as their main activity. We chose a formula that would allow it to be open to the greatest possible number of subjects because we want it to become the privileged meeting place in which to effectively share knowledge and ideas and develop strategies and projects for the young people of Ancona".

The tasks of the Table

In concrete terms, the table will have to deepen the analysis of the concrete needs of young people in the area and increase opportunities for relationships by promoting youth, artistic and cultural protagonism. Secretarial activities will be carried out by Informagiovani.

Who can join

The Municipality, to obtain maximum involvement of the subjects present in the area, will also leave the possibility of participating to those bodies and associations that are not registered in the single national register of the Third Sector. All entities whose main purpose is activities aimed at young people up to 35 years of age will therefore be admitted. However, political associations, trade unions and other similar bodies, as identified by the Third Sector contract, are not permitted.

The methods of membership

The third sector bodies and other institutional bodies, associations and foundations interested will be identified through a public procedure. The table will be reconstituted every two years, with a view to promoting the active participation of citizens and enriching and updating the programs proposed by the Municipality of Ancona.

Nasce il tavolo continuativo delle politiche giovanili del Comune di Ancona

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