Tajani in Turin at the CUAMM meeting
"Government together with the third sector for Africa".
Tajani in Turin at the CUAMM meeting
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Antonio Tajani, participated in the annual meeting of the Doctors with Africa CUAMM at the Lingotto Congress Centre in Torino.
The theme of the meeting was “Health at the Center“, and it was an opportunity to address issues such as the health protection in the African continent, young people and training.
“I think of the many volunteers involved in Africa as true ambassadors of Italian know-how in solidarity,” said Minister during his speech. “The Farnesina's action, from education to training through our schools abroad to the Development Cooperation projects, represents a fundamental direction to promote growth and create employment, also involving our private sector”, he continued Tajani.
“The Government has promoted a new approach towards the continent, based on equal partnerships in key sectors such as health, vocational training, energy, food security and agriculture,” commented the Minister. “The voice and example of civil society, of the third sector, of volunteering, of the missionary world itself, are a fundamental component of this commitment” continued Tajani.
Right at the role of missionaries an event was dedicated during the meeting of the G7 Development Ministers in Pescara in October. “A meeting to which I invited many African countries precisely to underline the importance of looking at Africa through African lenses. A meeting that I had the great privilege of opening with a message from the Holy Father Pope Francis, whose profound words were a source of teaching and reflection for all the delegations”, concluded the Minister.
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