
Schlein: «Differentiated autonomy splits the country in two»

The collection of signatures for the referendum is underway

Schlein: «Differentiated autonomy splits the country in two».

«We are here to collect signatures against differentiated autonomy for a referendum that we will carry out with other political forces, social forces, associations. It's great to start from Perugia next to the new mayor Vittoria Ferdinandi, do it among many people who have already come together this morning to sign against a wrong reform." The secretary of the Democratic Party said it, Elly Schlein, participating, in the Umbrian capital, in the launch of the referendum for the abolition of the law on differentiated autonomy.

The reform «made by the Meloni government – he added speaking to journalists – it splits the country in two, increases inequalities for which the south and inland areas have already paid too much, but it is also a senseless reform for the north because it risks fragmenting twenty different energy policies, when only one European one would be needed to lower bills for businesses and families".

«Differentiated autonomy - he stressed Schlein - it means one clear thing: it means limiting access to health, to public healthcare, to local public transport, to public schools, to citizens depending on where they are born. We do not accept that there are "series A" and "series B" citizens. The quality of services must be guaranteed to everyone because, as our Constitution says, there is a fundamental principle which is that of national unity which we want to defend."

«We as a democratic party are stubbornly united everywhere, even more so after the good result we saw in the local elections and the European elections», concluded the PD secretary.

Schlein L autonomia differenziata spacca in due il paese

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