Sicily Region: 6,7 million allocated for ITS courses for the two-year period 2024/2026. The aim is to fill the gap between supply and demand

The Region has published on the website of the Department of Education, University and the Right to Study, the notice addressed to the Its Academy Foundations (institutes of excellence with high technological specialization), to create two-year training courses for the achievement of the higher technician diploma.

Sicily Region: 6,7 million allocated for ITS courses for the two-year period 2024/2026. The goal is to fill the gap between supply and demand.

6,7 million euros have also been allocated this year to strengthen the training offer plan of the eleven Higher Technical Institutes (Its Academy) in Sicily for the two-year period 2024/2026.

The Region has published on the website of the Department of Education, University and the Right to Study, the notice addressed to the Its Academy Foundations (institutes of excellence with high technological specialization), to create two-year training courses for obtaining a higher technical diploma (placed in the V level EQF-European Qualifications Framework), in implementation of the three-year territorial plan for higher technical education and training 2023-2025 approved by the Schifani council, consistent with the regional innovation strategy for smart specialization.

«We are still focusing on the ITS system – says the regional councillor for Education and professional training, Mimmo Turano – because we are aware of the enormous need for advanced and innovative technical skills and competences not only in purely technical sectors such as energy, mobility, chemistry, home systems, mechatronics, information technology, but also in other sectors such as agri-food, fashion, business services, art, culture, tourism. We need professionals capable of managing innovative technologies in various sectors, otherwise it will not be possible to start a real process of sustainable innovation in our communities".

The notice, in fact, intends expand the professional training of the Its Academy (according to the new name) with high technological and technical-professional skills, so as to contribute to the economic development and competitiveness of the production system, progressively filling the gap between supply and demand for the benefit of greater employability and the creation of innovative start-ups. Furthermore, it aims to strengthen the offer of non-university tertiary education, promoting the processes of technology transfer and green and digital transition.

The training courses to be started in the 2024/2025 training year (two-year period 2024/2026) they are aimed at residents or domiciled in Sicily, employed or unemployed, in possession of a secondary school diploma or a four-year Iefp diploma.

The public resources allocated, from Fse+ 2021/27 and ministerial funds, amount to 6.738.633 euros. Each Its Academy Foundation may submit a project proposal for a maximum of two training courses, each divided into four semesters. The proposing entities must contribute to covering the cost of the project for 10 percent and submit the application by next September 25th to the pec address:
The ITS must start classroom activities within twenty days of notification of the funding admission decision, but they have the possibility of an early start so as to respect the ministerial deadline of October 30th.

The notice is available at this link.

The Its are Participation Foundations, with statutory, teaching and research, organizational, administrative and financial autonomy, created through a system that networks higher education institutes, businesses, universities, research centers and local authorities, with the possible participation of private individuals and companies. The Foundations operate in compliance with the guidelines of regional planning and the standards defined at national level. The training offer of Higher Technical Education allows for the creation of two-year training courses for the obtaining a higher technical diploma – placed in the V EQF level (European Qualifications Framework) by the ITS which constitute institutes of excellence with high technological specialization for the purposes assigned by the regulations from which they descend.

The Sicilian Foundations, already operating in the territory, are eleven: Its Archimede “Innovative Technologies for Cultural Heritage and Activities” of Syracuse, Its “Energy Efficiency” of Enna, Its Albatros “New Technologies for Made in Italy” of Messina, Its “Sustainable Mobility and Transport” and Its Steve Jobs “Information and Communication Technologies” of Catania, Its Sicani “New Technologies for Made in Italy – Agri-food” of Agrigento, Its Madonie “Agri-food Technologies and Systems”, Its Alessandro Volta “New Technologies for Life” and InfoMobPmo “Sustainable Mobility” of Palermo, Its Emporium del Golfo “New Technologies for Made in Italy” of Trapani, Its Aerospazio Sicilia “Sustainable Mobility” of Ragusa.

Regione Sicilia: stanziati 6,7 milioni per i corsi Its per il biennio 2024/2026. L'obiettivo è quello di colmare la mancata corrispondenza tra domanda e offerta

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