Regional Elections, Alberto Cirio Reconfirmed in Piedmont
Just over two hours after the counting began, the Democratic Party's challenger, Gianna Pentenero, recognized her victory with a cordial phone call
Regional Elections, Alberto Cirio reconfirmed in Piedmont.
Il Piemonte reconfirmed as leader of the Region Alberto Cirio (FI), who thus conquers his second term as president.
After just over two hours from the start of the counting, the Democratic Party's challenger, Gianna Pentenero, recognized the victory with a cordial phone call. Shortly afterwards the secretary of Forza Italia complimented Cirio Antonio Tajani and the outgoing president of the European Parliament Robert Metsol.
Cirio's success is also a personal confirmation, seen the affirmation of the Cirio President civic list, which is close to 11,5%, behind FdI which leads with 24,55% but ahead of Fi-Udc-Pli (10,1%), Lega (9,41%) and Noi Moderati (0,69 %). The other three presidential candidates remain at a considerable distance.
«I am very satisfied with this result - commented Candle - and I am above all because it is a confirmation in the sense that five years ago it was extraordinary for me to become governor of my Region, but I was new to the Turin context and many did not know me. Today being confirmed means that the Piedmontese have chosen me, having seen the merits and defects that each of us has.. This gives me a great deal of responsibility and makes me say that tomorrow we will be in the office working for the citizens of Piedmont".
Dal canto suo, Gianna Pentenero said: «We tried to do everything we could for a result that was only partially achieved, so we must take note of it and with great intellectual honesty continue to work for Piedmont". The reference is to the late indication of his candidacy by the Democratic Party.
There is also the regret of the lack of agreement with M5S: «Something could have changed. We left the door open all the way, but no one wanted to seize the opportunity in the Five Star Movement, they decided not to start a planning, political journey with us".
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