Pordenone: “A Room of One’s Own” inaugurated for hearings in a protected environment of women and minors who are victims of violence

a room set up for the protected hearing of women and minors who are victims of violence

Pordenone: “A Room of One’s Own” inaugurated for hearings in a protected environment of women and minors who are victims of violence

It happened the inauguration of “A Room of One's Own”, a room set up for the protected hearing of women and minors who are victims of violence. To do the honors of the house Police Chief of the Province of Pordenone, Dr. Giuseppe Solìmene, together with the Directors of the various Offices and Specialties. Present also the Prefect Michele Lastella, Councillor for Equal Opportunities Guglielmina Cucci, National President of Soroptimist Adriana Macchi e of the Province Fiorenza Poletto, the President of Voce Donna Silvia Brunetta as well as the military authorities.

The initiative is part of the memorandum of understanding signed between the Central Anti-Crime Directorate of the State Police and Soroptimist International of Italy, the world women's organization that promotes the advancement of women's conditions and the realization of opportunities and human rights, active in the province with the Soroptimist club of Pordenone, currently chaired by Fiorenza Poletto. A project that has, among its objectives, to raise awareness among women who have been subjected to acts of violence to contact the police.

“A Room of One's Own” – a name derived from the title of Virginia Woolf's essay of the same name - in Pordenone Police Headquarters is located at fifth floor of the building e It is reached through a separate and dedicated access. Its function is to support women in the delicate and incisive moment of reporting violence and abuse and in the path towards respect and dignity of her person.

The setting-up, created with the contribution of the Municipality of Pordenone through the Department of Equal Opportunities, It was curated by members of the Soroptimist club Pordenone Fabiana Castellan and Fulvia Mellina, and by architects of the association with furnishings that follow the guidelines identified by the protocol.

The National President of Soroptimist Adriana Macchi presented the Police Commissioner with an audio-video computer kit for recording complaints, given that, in addition to setting up protected classrooms, in some cases it may be preferable to collect the women's testimony in a place other than the institutional one (at home, in the emergency room or in another environment able to best support the victim), in order to reach, in any case and immediately, the vulnerable victims. And so, the project for this room set up in the Pordenone Police Headquarters has been expanded with “A room all for oneself... portable”.

The “room of one’s own,” painted in pastel colors and with simple, functional furnishings, will be the place specifically dedicated to hearing those who report stalking, abuse, or any other violent act. It is part of a larger project that includes a detailed commitment to the problems of encouraging reporting and deals with preparing useful means to approach the greatest possible number of victims in order to make known the existence and location on the territory of the Rooms All for Oneself present throughout Italy.

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