Pnrr, request procedure for the sixth installment has started

Control room convened by Minister Fitto

Pnrr, request procedure for the sixth installment has started.

It took place in Palazzo Chigi la PNRR control room, chaired by the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, convened by the Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policies and the PNRR, Raffaele Fitto, in the presence of the Ministers and Undersecretaries in charge, as well as the ANCI, the UPI and the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, for the verification of the achievement of the 37 objectives connected to sixth installment of the new Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The Control Room, at the end of a detailed verification, took note of the state of implementation of the objectives envisaged in the sixth instalment, some also achieved in the context of the latest PNRR decree converted into law, which include strategic investments linked to the implementation Of infrastructures for the strengthening of gas transport (Adriatic Line), the training of technical, digital and managerial skills of professionals national health system, to tax credits for ecological transition 4.0 and 5.0, at the start of the infrastructural works as part of the SEZ of the South, to the renewal of the fleet for the national command of Fire fighters, to the digitalisation of national parks, to the plan to enhance school sports infrastructure, to the protection and enhancement of urban and peri-urban forests, to the ecological transition with the implementation of plants for the production of electricity in the agricultural/agro-industrial (agri-solar) sectors, to remediation of illegal landfills and the consequent cancellation of infringement procedures, the strengthening of railway connections in the South, the completion of the recruitment procedures for civil, criminal and administrative courts, the establishment of the digital tourism hub (Digital Tourism Hub) and the digitalisation of Guardia di Finanza, which will strengthen the transparency and legality of the Plan. This measure, together with those approved in the PNRR Legislative Decree, will contribute to strengthening the legality of the Plan. Already today the GDF has carried out 3.683 interventions aimed at verifying the entitlement of citizens and businesses to tax credits, contributions and financing, as well as the correct execution of works and services subject to public procurement, for approximately 9,3 billion EUR.

«Today's control room – states the President Meloni - which follows the positive technical discussion with the European Commission which continued throughout last week, confirms the excellent work carried out by the Government, in synergistic collaboration with the relevant institutions and implementing bodies, on the implementation of the new Italian Plan , which has freed up strategic resources to fuel the structural economic growth of Italy, in first place in Europe for objectives achieved and financial progress. Recent data on GDP and on the increase in employment, which see the South growing by half a point more than the national average – continues the President – they represent a further stimulus to intensify the planning of virtuous policies, aimed at concretely bridging the territorial gaps in competitiveness and productivity of the Nation. Also for the sixth instalment, as happened for the fifth, Italy is the first in Europe to present the sixth payment request".

Several important reforms are also added to the investments included in the sixth installment, including measures for the simplification of authorization procedures for renewable energy plants, for the reduction of payment delays by the public administration and health authorities, for the legislative framework on public procurement, for the framework law dedicated to people with disabilities and for the entry into force of legislative decrees to support non-self-sufficient elderly people.

«This morning's important control room – declares the Minister Thick - which highlights the positive progress of investments and reforms, totally in line with the 2024 forecasts of the Plan, will allow the Government to start the procedure for the payment of the sixth installment and to activate, in the next few days, the verification and reporting activity of the 69 goals and objectives of the seventh instalment, equal to 18,2 billion euros. Data on the significant increase in investments in public works, which in the South recorded a growth rate of more than 50% during 2023 – continues the Minister - confirm that we have fully entered Phase 2 of the PNRR, that of the concrete implementation of investments to shape the Italy of tomorrow".

What has been established by the Control Room will allow Italy to formally present the request for payment of the sixth installment to the European Commission, equal to 8,5 billion euros, which will be added to the resources of the fifth instalment, currently in the verification and final reporting phase.

Pnrr, avviata procedura di richiesta per la sesta rata

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