PNRR, positive assessment by the European Commission for the payment of the sixth instalment amounting to 8,7 billion euros
On 26 November, the European Commission formally adopted the positive evaluation on the achievement of the thirty-nine goals connected to Payment of the sixth installment of the Italian PNRR, equal to 8,7 billion euros.
With the payment of the installment, expected by the end of 2024 at the end of the usual procedural process, Italy – the first Member State of the European Union to receive a positive assessment on the sixth instalment – the nation that received it is also confirmed the largest amount of financing, which will reach 122 billion euros, corresponding to 63% of the overall PNRR allocation, equal to 194,4 billion euros.
“The approval of the payment of the sixth instalment of the PNRR – declares the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni – certifies Italy's European primacy, confirming the positive work of the Government, in constructive collaboration with the European Commission, the administrations in charge of the interventions and the territorial bodies. This result, together with the presentation of the request for payment of the seventh instalment, expected in the coming weeks, demonstrates that the implementation of the Plan is proceeding on schedule and in compliance with all the objectives agreed at European level, the only objective evaluation parameters of the progress of the PNRR”.
Among the thirty-nine objectives connected to the approval of the payment of the sixth instalment, distinguished in twenty-three milestones and sixteen targets, include strategic investments and important reforms, including measures aimed at reduction of payment delays by the public administration, the entry into force of the framework law dedicated to people with disabilities, the regulatory measures in favor of non-self-sufficient elderly people, actions to prevent and combat undeclared work, exploitation of workers and other forms of irregular workas well as the definition of a national standard for the profession of tourist guide.
Compared to the measures implemented with the sixth instalment, the target relating to the administrative justice, where levels of clearance of arrears significantly higher than the objectives set by the Plan have been achieved, both for the Council of State and for the Regional Administrative Courts. Specifically, for the Council of State the total arrears have been practically eliminated, equal to 99% of the 24.010 appeals pending as of December 31, 2019, compared to a target set at 35%. For the TAR of Milano, Venice, Rome, Naples, Salerno, Palermo and Catania, instead, the reduction of the backlog was greater than 95% of the 109.029 pending cases as of December 31, 2019, compared to the 25% foreseen by the Plan.
At the same time, together with the measures adopted to strengthen the Office for the Process and to improve the efficiency of administrative justice, important objectives related to the Strengthening the staffing of criminal, civil and administrative courts, strategic objectives for the continuation of the action of modernization and streamlining of the institutions.
Among the objectives achieved with the sixth installment are investments aimed at construction of new gas transport infrastructures (Adriatic line), to the strengthening of railway connections in Southern and Central Italy, To tax credits for ecological transition 4.0 e to the activation of the measure for ecological transition 5.0, Fleet renewal for the National Fire Brigade Command, to digitization of national parks, to construction site works for new sports facilities in schools, to protection and enhancement of urban and peri-urban forests, to ecological transition with the implementation of plants for the production of electricity in the agricultural and agro-industrial sectors (agricultural), at remediation of illegal landfills with the cancellation of the infringement procedures, to the establishment of the digital tourism hub (Digital Tourism Hub) and to the training of technical, digital and managerial skills of professionals in the national health system.
Of particular importance, within the framework of the Government's action aimed at protection of legality and transparency on the implementation of the Plan, the achievement of the target linked to the Digitalization of the Guardia di Finanza, aimed at the reorganization and modernization of the databases.
“It is about – continues the President of the Council of Ministers – of important reforms and investments, which are priorities for the reduction of territorial gaps, for the ecological and digital transition, for energy autonomy and for the economic and social growth of Italy, strategic objectives for the achievement of which the Government has been working hard since the day of its inauguration and will continue to do so, with the same spirit and the same determination, in the interest of citizens, of the productive fabric, of the Nation as a whole.
I thank the Minister, Raffaele Fitto – concludes the President Meloni – for the great work carried out in recent years in the implementation of the PNRR, which has allowed Italy to be the first nation in Europe in terms of number of objectives achieved, total resources received and formalized payment requests”.
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