Pnrr, Meloni: «Spending has risen to over 51 billion».
«The overall expenditure incurred has risen to over 51 billion euros and 92% of the measures have been regularly activated». The prime minister explained it Giorgia Meloni, as far as we know, speaking at the Control room for the Pnrr, illustrating the «current snapshot of procedural and financial progress» of the Plan obtained through «the alignment of the Regis platform with the real state of implementation of the Pnrr».
«To date, the administrations in charge of Pnrr interventions have activated 122 billion euros of loans compared to an initial forecast of 132 billion euros. And from checks by the Pnrr mission structure, the activation procedures for the remaining 8% of the measures, equal to approximately 10 billion euros, are being perfected. The investments for which all the tender procedures have been completed are equal to 111 billion euros, or 91% of the measures activated".
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